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Searching for a Gaming Addiction Treatment Program near North Carolina

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Searching for a Gaming Addiction Treatment Program near North Carolina

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With near-constant access to video games, it’s no wonder that teenage boys are displaying unprecedented levels of addiction to various genres, platforms, and types of games. Video game addiction can be very severe and disruptive; therefore, it’s vital to seek gaming addiction treatment in North Carolina as soon as possible.

Video game addiction treatment may be warranted when an adolescent boy acknowledges that his behavior is not healthy or safe but still feels like he cannot stop engaging in the behavior.

We understand the complexity of searching for a gaming addiction treatment program near North Carolina. If you or a family member may need gaming addiction treatment near North Carolina, reach out to Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today at 866.300.5275.

Teen Gaming Addiction Treatment

Regardless of the platform, addiction to video games is characterized by many of the same emotions, behaviors, and features of other addictions. With electronic games, addiction can begin with use that is sporadic and early in a child’s life, especially if there are few restrictions or limitations on how much time a teen can spend playing games.

Over time, a teenage boy can develop addictive behaviors. When gaming begins to interfere with daily life and health, they may have a video game addiction. However, effective gaming addiction treatment near North Carolina can help.

Signs of Video Game Addiction

As is the case with many other types of addictions, some signs and symptoms can reveal a video game addiction. It’s important to remember that addictive behavior presents differently in different people. However, some traits and characteristics are common among those with an addiction to video games.

Someone showing the following behaviors may benefit from teen gaming addiction treatment:

  • Engaging in a game or thinking about it for most of the day leading to a lack of interest in other activities
  • Becoming excessively upset when unable to play video games
  • Being untruthful about how much they actually play
  • Not being able to stop playing games even though they express a desire to do so
  • Isolating themselves from family and friends
  • Often preferring to play games alone
  • Decreased academic performance

In addition, teenage boys with an addiction to gaming are often unable to maintain other responsibilities and tasks. They have a strong urge to engage in video games just about all of the time.

Sometimes the root cause of this behavior may be an underlying mental health concern. Other times, adolescent boys may play games to escape from unhealthy or troubling situations in real life. In some cases, the exact cause of teen gaming addiction is unknown. Regardless of the cause, it’s vital to seek treatment.

How Gaming Addiction Treatment near North Carolina Can Help

There are excellent treatment programs available for teen males struggling with an addiction to gaming. Some of the most effective treatment and therapy modalities include the following:

  • Trauma-informed treatment services
  • Family therapy programs
  • Academic support programs
  • Holistic healing for the mind, body, and spirit
  • Co-occurring issues treatment

Many parents are concerned about video game addiction, and adolescent boys who have an addiction must get the help they need and deserve.

Discover Teen Gaming Addiction Treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If you, your son, or someone you know may have an addiction to video games, it may not necessarily be just an out-of-control habit. They may have developed this addiction to cope with a painful emotional situation or mental health disorder.

We offer numerous options and opportunities within our video game addiction treatment program at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to us today at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275.