Teenaged male thinking about nicknames for Molly

Common Nicknames for Molly

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamMedically Reviewed BySharon FindlaySharon Findlay read morePublished: July 12, 2024Updated: July 15, 2024Today, party drugs like molly are common among teenagers. Many teens experiment with drugs and alcohol as a form of social bonding as they explore their boundaries and body autonomy. Molly,…

Teen male thinking about process addiction examples

Examples of Process Addictions

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 12, 2024Updated: June 13, 2024When people think of addiction, they often think of substance abuse. However, there is another type of addiction that many teens today are battling: process addiction. Process addictions are compulsions to engage in activities or behaviors despite…

Teen male thinking about gateway drugs examples

What Are Examples of Gateway Drugs?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 9, 2024Updated: April 16, 2024Initiating substance use during adolescence is one of the key risk factors for future substance use disorders, and what starts with “soft” drugs can quickly transition to more addictive and harmful substances. The best thing you can…

A teen male who needs social media rehab

Does Social Media Addiction Rehab Exist?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamAuthored BySharon FindlaySharon Findlay read morePublished: April 1, 2024Updated: April 4, 2024Most parents today worry their child spends too much time on social media. While families may joke about screen addictions, social media addictions are real. A form of process addiction, social media…

Young man thinking about the side effects of cocaine

3 Side Effects of Cocaine Addiction

Added ByDreamscape AdminDreamscape AdminMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: February 1, 2024Updated: January 24, 2024The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that about 0.5% of eighth graders, 0.3% of 10th graders, and 1.5% of 12th graders in the United States use cocaine.1 If your child has a cocaine use disorder, turning to an adolescent cocaine addiction treatment…

Teen sits at desk, straining eyes while looking at laptop as he wonders about effective ways to deal with addiction triggers

Effective Ways to Deal With Addiction Triggers

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 26, 2023Updated: April 24, 2023One of the biggest challenges to a teen’s long-term recovery from substance use is learning to manage addiction triggers. Even after your teen gets professional help through teen substance abuse services, they’ll need support learning to navigate…