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Traumatic experiences are inherently complex. Trauma can affect anyone at any time and can cause changes in behavior and thinking in different individuals. Teens who have experienced traumatic events are likely to suffer more over time if they don’t address the resulting symptoms. An adolescent trauma treatment center can help your teen understand how trauma may be impacting their life and begin the healing process. By working with a mental health professional who specializes in trauma, a loved one can experience recovery and learn to feel safe again. However, for families to find the help their child needs, they need to understand trauma.

What Constitutes Trauma?

In general, trauma can be defined as a psychological, emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing. Trauma changes patterns in your brain, and may cause a loved one to carry the burden of distress long after the events have passed.

young man speaking with his therapist at a teen trauma treatment centerExamples of traumatic events may include:

  • Serious accident, illness, or medical procedure
  • Natural or manmade disasters
  • Physical abuse or assault
  • Sexual abuse or assault
  • Emotional abuse or psychological maltreatment
  • Neglect
  • Victim or witness to domestic violence
  • Historical violence
  • School violence
  • Bullying
  • Traumatic grief or separation

Symptoms of Teen Trauma

Many families have a difficult time accepting that their child is struggling. It can be hard to admit that after a traumatic event, your teen needs more than just you for support. There are specific symptoms that your teen could display that indicate the need for a teen trauma treatment center. These symptoms can include the following:

  • Fear– Many teens will live in constant fear that another event will take place.
  • Anxiety– Some may constantly feel anxious or worried. This anxiety can prevent individuals from living their normal lives.
  • Anger– After a traumatic incident, teens might experience bouts of anger and aggression more often than before.
  • Void– While some teens feel overwhelming emotions, others might be unable to feel anything at all after a traumatic event.
  • Sleep patterns– Nightmares are common after a traumatic event, making it difficult to sleep soundly. Also, some teens might try to stay awake to avoid these nightmares. Others might constantly struggle with exhaustion and want to sleep often.

When you begin to see these symptoms in your teen, it may be time to seek trauma therapy. The sooner your teen gets the help they need, the sooner your family can move forward.

Adolescent Trauma Treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

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To provide your child with the help they need to understand the impacts of trauma; you need the professional help of Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Our adolescent trauma treatment center offers the treatments and therapies necessary for teens and their families to heal from psychological and emotional trauma.

To begin with the teen trauma therapy, reach out to the staff at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Contact us now at 866.300.5275 to get started.

Contact us today to let us start supporting your family.