Teen male thinking about process addiction examples

Examples of Process Addictions

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: June 12, 2024Updated: June 13, 2024When people think of addiction, they often think of substance abuse. However, there is another type of addiction that many teens today are battling: process addiction. Process addictions are compulsions to engage in activities or behaviors despite…

Teen lays on couch and hugs pillow as he struggles to find treatment for process addiction

How Do You Treat Process Addiction?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 7, 2023Updated: April 24, 2023Behavioral health professionals are seeing increasing numbers of teenagers in need of process addiction treatment center treatment. The pervasive use of smartphones, social media, and video games is leading to an epidemic of teen process addictions.Foothills at…

Two people experiencing the benefits of process addiction treatment

Benefits of Process Addiction Treatment for Your Teen

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: March 1, 2023Updated: February 22, 2023Process addictions can be just as devastating as substance use disorders. This condition often requires professional treatment at a process addiction treatment center in order for teens to recover. But the benefits of process addiction treatment extend…

Man sitting with son on steps, talking about process addiction

How Do You Stop a Process Addiction?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: January 10, 2023Updated: December 21, 2022Process addictions share some similarities with substance use disorders and can often be treated with similar methods. Though teen process addiction doesn’t involve the use of toxic, harmful chemicals, it can still end with debilitating mental health…

a teen boy sits against a wall as he uses his phone and considers addiction to a smartphone

Why Addiction to Smartphone Could be a Bad Thing

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: August 8, 2022Updated: August 5, 2022The era of rampant smartphone use has ushered in a new wave of addictive behaviors. Nearly everyone has a smartphone, and most people understand the compulsion to constantly check their messages, scroll on social media, or find…

a teen uses his phone to research addiction to social media

Why Addiction to Social Media Could be a Bad Thing

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: July 6, 2022Updated: August 5, 2022Social media is a fantastic tool that allows everyone with internet access to connect with friends down the street and new people worldwide. While social media itself is a positive thing, spending too much time immersed in…

a boy on a computer considers searching for a gaming addiction treatment program near north carolina

Searching for a Gaming Addiction Treatment Program near North Carolina

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: May 11, 2022Updated: May 11, 2022With near-constant access to video games, it’s no wonder that teenage boys are displaying unprecedented levels of addiction to various genres, platforms, and types of games. Video game addiction can be very severe and disruptive; therefore, it’s…

a teen plays video games as his parents consider teen gaming addiction rehab in north carolina

Teen Gaming Addiction Rehab Available in North Carolina

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamAuthored BySharon FindlaySharon Findlay read morePublished: December 27, 2021Updated: December 22, 2021Today, teenagers spend more and more time playing video games. While video games can be fun and engaging, the hobby can quickly turn into an addiction for some. For many, compulsive video…

a teen struggles with social media dependency

Dangers of Social Media Dependency

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamAuthored BySharon FindlaySharon Findlay read morePublished: November 16, 2021Updated: November 19, 2021For parents today, it can seem like social media has taken over their child’s life. While teens might think their parents are exaggerating, studies show social media is increasingly addictive, especially among…

a teen goes through the effects of process addiction on his body

Physical Effects of Process Addiction on the Body

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamAuthored BySharon FindlaySharon Findlay read morePublished: November 4, 2021Updated: November 19, 2021At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we treat behavioral disorders and process addictions from every angle and possibility. Our treatment methods include evidence-based therapies, holistic healing approaches, psychological testing, family therapy, and…