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Why Winter Is a Good Time to Receive Care for Substance Abuse

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Why Winter Is a Good Time to Receive Care for Substance Abuse

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The winter holidays bring a string of parties where alcohol and other substances can be found in abundance. It isn’t easy to find the motivation to get teen drug therapy services with so many celebrations to enjoy. However, putting off dealing with a substance use disorder only makes things worse.

If your teen needs adolescent substance abuse treatment, don’t wait until the “perfect time” presents itself. Call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today at 866.300.5275 and give your teen the gift of sobriety. A brighter future is possible.

The Importance of a Winter Substance Abuse Program for Teens

Holiday festivities may encourage a party atmosphere, but other factors also influence the increase in drug and alcohol use at this time.

Teenagers aren’t immune to the emotional ups and downs of the holiday season. Loneliness, neglect, isolation, and stress can trigger individuals already struggling with substance use disorders. Any season is a good time to reach out for support from a substance abuse program for teens, but winter is ideal for many reasons.

Treatment Centers Are Safe Spaces

Not only is a teen treatment center free of the usual holiday triggers, but it is also an emotionally safe space where teens find the support they need to process personal issues. Being in a treatment program during the winter removes teens from the people and events that could trigger substance use.

It Shows Commitment

Agreeing to receive substance abuse treatment for teens during a time when families are gathering shows you are serious about recovery. Whether it is the teen showing their family how committed they are to wellness or the parent showing their teen how serious they are, entering treatment at this time sends a clear message that you are trying your best.

It Creates a Better Future

Missing out on special moments this winter in order to receive treatment is an investment in a better future.

When a person of any age is struggling with substance use, even holiday celebrations bring little pleasure. Substance use makes them emotionally absent from everything and everyone, even when they are physically present. Making the sacrifice to miss out on winter celebrations this year may make it possible for everyone to enjoy more time together next winter.

Avoid Mental Health Concerns

Most adolescents with a substance use disorder also have an additional mental health disorder, such as depression, ADHD, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Symptoms of co-occurring disorders to be aware of include:

  • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Isolating from friends and family
  • Missing school
  • Delusions, hallucinations
  • Risky behaviors, such as driving while intoxicated or getting into fights
  • Changes in personality
  • Inability to focus or concentrate
  • Irritability
  • Aches and pains that have no physical cause

With a lack of sunlight and the stress of holiday gatherings, many people experience worsening mental health symptoms during the winter months. Receiving substance abuse treatment for teens is an opportunity to address co-occurring disorders and get important mental health treatments.

Adolescent substance abuse treatment doesn’t have to be a drag on the holiday season. With so many benefits, it is worth considering when you are looking for the best time to help your teen get the support they need.

Explore the Substance Abuse Program for Teens at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If you’re looking for adolescent substance abuse treatment for a young person you love, Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is here to help. The thought of sending your child to treatment during the holiday season may sound overwhelming, but sobriety is the best gift you could ever give them. It may even save their life.

Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today at 866.300.5275 for more information about our recovery services.