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Understanding North Carolina Drug Laws

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Understanding North Carolina Drug Laws

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If your teen son uses marijuana in North Carolina, he may not face adult penalties. However, it’s crucial to understand how North Carolina drug laws work. Sharing this information with your teen may help him realize the dangers of the illegal use of marijuana. If your son needs help with a marijuana use disorder, consider enrolling him in Foothills at Red Oak Recovery’s drug abuse treatment program by calling our team at 866.300.5275.

NC Drug Laws about Marijuana

NC marijuana laws are relatively restrictive. The state bans recreational use of marijuana and only allows medical use for epilepsy. First-time offenders generally receive a fine, and small amounts of marijuana have largely been decriminalized.

While many states allow medical or even recreational marijuana use, North Carolina has maintained its strict stance on the drug. Occasionally, legislators draft bills attempting to open the state up to broader use of marijuana. However, none of them have passed.

Penalties for getting caught with marijuana include anything from a misdemeanor to a felony, depending on the amount confiscated. In most cases, the state does not try teenagers as adults. However, older teens could face these penalties and even serve time in prison if caught with large amounts of marijuana.

What Penalties Are Associated With NC Marijuana Laws?

Those caught with half an ounce of marijuana may find themselves paying a $200 fine, but they won’t go to jail for this misdemeanor. That may seem like a meager penalty for a state with restrictive marijuana laws. However, from there, penalties quickly accumulate. For example, someone caught with 0.5 to 1.5 ounces can face a jail sentence of 45 days and pay a fine of $1,000.

If the police catch you smoking a joint, you might get off easy. However, if they find you with a larger stash, you could face some jail time.

Carrying more than 1.5 ounces of marijuana is a Class 1 felony. For those caught with up to 10 pounds of marijuana, a 12-month jail sentence could await them following their conviction. Selling less than 10 pounds of marijuana also constitutes a Class 1 felony.

Other NC Drug Laws

Possession and trafficking of other drugs carry more severe penalties in North Carolina. Cocaine, heroin, and meth carry hefty penalties for possessing or selling more than one ounce of these drugs, as follows:

  • Cocaine and crack laws: Trafficking more than 28 grams of powder or crack cocaine can result in up to 42 months in prison. Possessing or selling more than 400 grams can result in 219 months of imprisonment.
  • Heroin and opium laws: Trafficking 14 grams of heroin or opium can carry a sentence of up to 84 months. However, trafficking more than 28 grams or about one ounce can result in 279 months in jail.
  • Meth laws: Making methamphetamine or meth can result in a Class C felony. Jail sentences for meth vary. For example, packaging or labeling without producing the product may result in a lighter class H felony charge.

Fortunately, you can find target drug treatment programs at our adolescent treatment center.

Marijuana Addiction Treatment in North Carolina

If you know a teenage boy battling marijuana, heroin, crack, or meth abuse, encourage them to find a treatment center such as Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Here are some of the programs we offer as part of our teen therapy services for boys:

We involve the whole family in therapy because the family plays such an essential role for adolescent and teen boys during their recovery.

Learn More at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

NC marijuana laws are fairly restrictive. Some researchers believe that marijuana serves as a gateway drug to harsher substances such as heroin, crack cocaine, and meth. That’s bad news for young men in North Carolina who have substance use disorders. NC drug laws threaten months or years in prison due to getting caught with marijuana and other drugs. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275 today to help your son overcome drug dependency and avoid a future in prison.