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What to Expect During Family Therapy

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What to Expect During Family Therapy

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For teen boys with substance abuse disorders, family therapy helps parents and loved ones support adolescents in recovery. This approach uses family strengths to help teens return to life without alcohol and drug use. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, our family therapy program lies at the heart of each client’s recovery plan. To learn more about our services, please contact our team today at 866.300.5275.

Family Therapy for Teens

Our therapists work with family members and clients to assess family strengths and to begin the healing process. We understand that addiction impacts the whole family. By uncovering and addressing family conflicts, parenting skills, depression, and abuse, families can begin to understand the underlying causes of teen substance use disorders.

In teen treatment programs, family therapy involves educating the entire family about drug and alcohol use disorders. Family members can ask questions and receive information as they start a dialogue with one another.

Here are just some of the things to expect from family therapy for teens:

  • Discuss family dynamics.
  • Improve communication and heal relationships.
  • Identify healthy ways to communicate.
  • Nurture trust and respect.

In short, family therapy helps young boys reintegrate into living at home following substance use treatment in North Carolina.

Family Systems Model

Family therapy is often based on the family systems model. This approach considers substance abuse as a sign of dysfunction at home. It looks objectively at the family unit as a system, with each person affecting the successful functioning of the entire unit. Therefore, when one person has a substance use disorder, it affects the whole family.

During family therapy sessions at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, qualified, caring therapists help each family member repair the entire unit. Clients and family members learn about roles, such as the enabler or the overachiever, family members take on to cope with the situation. By attending sessions together, family members can learn healthier ways to cope with dysfunctional dynamics in their family system.

Young boys in our care also gain access to several other types of therapy, such as the following:

If your son has co-occurring issues, such as mental health disorders and substance use disorders, he will receive dual diagnosis treatment for both conditions.

Benefits of Family Therapy in North Carolina

Family therapy leads to a better understanding of how substance use disorders can affect the behavior of adolescent and teen boys. Each client receives an individual assessment, and families come together to conduct a self-assessment. By recognizing their challenges and strengths, each family member can contribute to healthy relationships and help your son steer clear of drug and alcohol abuse.

Family therapy should act as the impetus to improve communication within the family system. This requires emotional involvement and communication between all members of the family. Often, changes in the family unit impact the success of your son’s recovery.

Dishonesty erodes trust and makes it hard for family members to believe teens with substance use disorders. Making positive changes in the family can help mend fences and allow family bonds to strengthen. When a young boy becomes dependent on drugs and alcohol, parents and siblings may become angry or apathetic to their needs. However, for the entire family to heal, family members must courageously breach this gap.

Seek Treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery in North Carolina, we have a strong family therapy program integrated into your son’s interdisciplinary recovery program. We know that it’s difficult to tear down the walls built during your son’s active addiction. Attend family therapy for teens to begin to repair some of the damage of those devastating times. Contact our enrollment team at 866.300.5275 today to start working toward a better future for your son.