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Teen Cell Phone Addiction Treatment Methods

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Teen Cell Phone Addiction Treatment Methods

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Do you have a teen that’s struggling with cell phone addiction? You may want to consider getting them admitted into a process addiction treatment program. Teen cell phone addiction has increasingly become an important issue for parents in a modern world that centers around cell phone use. While some addictive behaviors due to cell phone use can be annoying, it is also easy to overlook these behaviors because they are easily understood. We all know what it feels like to use phones every day, and sometimes there’s no way to avoid using them.

Have you had frustrating but seemingly fruitless confrontations with your child about their cell phone usage? If so, you may be searching for a health care facility in North Carolina offering process addiction treatment programs. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online.

What Are the Signs of a Teen Cell Phone Addiction?

If you suspect that your child may be struggling with teen cell phone addiction, look for the following signs:

  • Excessive checking of email and social media accounts
  • Checking for incoming texts over and over
  • Sending an excessive amount of texts
  • Cell phone use that impacts healthy sleep and eating cycles
  • Worrying about access to electrical power and cell phone battery life
  • Becoming angry or extremely emotional when asked to limit cell phone use

Even if your teen doesn’t display all of the signs above, they may still be addicted to using their cell phones. Did you know that about half of all teens believe they are addicted to their cell phones? More than a third of teens have also already tried to cut down the amount of time they spend on their mobile devices. However, most of them fail to change their phone habits.

Is There Professional Treatment Available for Adolescent Phone Addiction?

Teen phone addiction may be a relatively new condition, but that doesn’t mean that there’s no treatment for it. This is a type of process addiction or a behavioral disorder that’s characterized by obsessive habits that affect daily functioning. Other triggers of process addiction, which often occur in adults, include gambling or shopping. Process addiction treatment has existed since before mobile phones became everyday essentials.

Like typical substance use disorders, once a teen phone addiction is triggered, it’s not easy to stop and recover. However, the answer is typically not just to take your teen’s phone away – the underlying issues need to be addressed. Professional help may support healthier ways of dealing with the problem. Process addiction treatment programs can help clients manage their obsessive compulsions.

What Can Clients Expect From Adolescent Mental Health Treatment Centers?

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, like other well-respected mental health care centers, offers a wide range of evidence-based services and holistic treatment approaches. Each of these treatments is an integral part of our adolescent mental health services. An example of the latter is our process addiction treatment program, which can help clients struggling with adolescent phone addiction.

Teens will often work with licensed clinicians in a one-on-one session or group setting. But sometimes, a teen’s mental health struggles can impact their entire family. Effective programs may include family therapy that will have family members address the damaging effects of addiction on their individual relationships.

In terms of more experiential approaches, equine therapy is also available at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Research and observation show that therapy like this can be helpful for adolescents recovering from various mental health issues, such as process addictions.

Learn More About Foothills at Red Oak Recovery’s Programs and Services

If your teen is suffering from an addiction to their cell phone or drugs or alcohol, then there is hope for you at our adolescent treatment center. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275.