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Educating Your Teen on Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Educating Your Teen on Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

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No parent or guardian expects to deal with their teen getting admitted into an alcohol addiction treatment program. However, sometimes circumstances present this as the best solution to a problem that could permanently affect their child’s life negatively.

Teen problems can be challenging to understand. They change so much between the ages of 13 and 17 that alcohol use may be buried underneath a variety of problematic teen issues. However, recognizing when your teen needs professional help to deal with alcohol abuse is essential. If you’re looking for a teen alcohol addiction treatment program in North Carolina, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today. Call 866.300.5275 or reach out to our team online.

Signs that Your Teen Could Be Addicted to Alcohol

Some teens may display no easily observable symptoms of alcohol addiction, but the longer they’re addicted, the more obvious it will be. Here are some behavior-based signs of problematic alcohol use that you should watch out for:

  • Alcohol use despite consequences
  • Changes in sleeping habits
  • Changing groups of friends
  • Decreased personal hygiene and attention to appearance
  • Depression, anxiety, and mood swings
  • Drastic changes in academic performance

Physical signs of alcohol use are easier to observe. Look for bloodshot eyes and flushed skin, and notice how much they have trouble communicating or coordinating their actions. You may also check their breath or clothes for the smell of alcohol. If you suspect that your teen is suffering from an addiction, then it is vital to find a treatment program that addresses their needs immediately.

Typical Teen Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

If you think that your teen may be developing an alcohol addiction, you should talk to them about the dangers of alcohol abuse. One of the most important things to discuss is alcohol withdrawal symptoms and how hard it can be to get through them.

Going through teen alcohol withdrawal is virtually the same as going through it at any age. Therefore, if they want to eventually quit alcohol, they’ll have that difficulty to look forward to in the future. Just that thought may be enough to get them to take the first step and seek help. Common alcohol withdrawal symptoms include the following:

  • Auditory, tactile, and visual hallucinations
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Shaking hands and tremors

In some cases, people may experience Delirium tremens (DTs). The DTs are a set of extreme symptoms that can be life-threatening when experienced simultaneously. These symptoms include anxiety, confusion, disorientation, fever, hallucinations, hypertension, irregular heartbeats, profuse sweating, psychosis, seizures, and severe tremors.

What to Expect from a Teen Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program

Your teen will probably want to avoid formal treatment. However, your teen, at their core, probably also feels as tired of the chaos of addiction as you do. Please don’t feel guilty for choosing to get them assessed, diagnosed, and then admitted into a treatment facility.

The duration and composition of your teen’s alcohol addiction treatment program largely depend on your teen’s specific needs. We may recommend a range of treatments, such as

  • Medical detox
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Dual diagnosis programs for those with co-occurring mental health diagnoses

Most alcohol addiction treatment programs start with medical detox. These programs include individual therapy, family counseling, group therapeutic activities, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) sessions. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we also offer holistic approaches such as art therapy or equine-assisted therapy.

Learn More About Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If you’re looking for a teen alcohol addiction treatment program for boys in North Carolina, we are here for you. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online.