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Tips for Managing Teenage Anxiety

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Tips for Managing Teenage Anxiety

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Parents and guardians are often confused by teens’ emotional struggles. They may not know how to figure out whether their teen needs to get admitted into a teen anxiety treatment program or needs extra emotional support at home.

Teens struggling with severe anxiety disorders may be helped to some degree by at-home remedies and lifestyle changes. However, at some point, they may need professional therapeutic intervention. If you’re looking for a teen boys anxiety treatment program in North Carolina, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today. Call 866.300.5275 or reach out to our team online.

Possible Causes of Teen Anxiety

While anxiety is a normal response to some distressing events and situations in life, it’s not normal or healthy to feel anxious all the time. Parents and guardians may wonder what teens have to be anxious about because they’re adults that worry about putting food on the table, paying the mortgage, and raising children.

Here is a list of things that could cause teenage anxiety:


Many teens experiment with addictive substances. They know they shouldn’t be doing this and that their parents or guardians will disapprove. Peer pressure could also be involved. All of these can lead to anxiety before, during, and after the experimentation. Worse, some teens may use addictive substances to self-medicate and will eventually develop addictions.

Brain Development

Teens don’t have fully developed brains. Your teen is expected to take on adult responsibilities, but they don’t have the brain development necessary to care for themselves. Your teen has probably experienced many moments where they didn’t know what they were doing. Frustration mixed with immaturity can raise teenage anxiety levels.


Some teens have depression, which can co-occur with anxiety. The symptoms of depression often overlap with anxiety symptoms in cases like this. Co-occurring depression and anxiety may also affect each other.

High Expectations

Most teens want to do well in school and other related activities, such as school sports or student government. Many also participate in other after-school activities, have part-time jobs, and have chores at home. These expectations not only make teens feel stressed, but they also leave little time for managing their social lives, having quiet time, and even sleeping. Sleep deprivation usually affects anxiety, and anxiety makes it harder to sleep, creating a vicious cycle.


Teen hormone production typically ebbs and flows. Sometimes teens feel angry, anxious, depressed, and upset due to hormonal fluctuations. Teenage boys, in particular, are dealing with testosterone surges. The combination of the lack of experience in dealing with these feelings and general immaturity can result in stress and anxiety.

Parental Disapproval

Teens want the approval of their parents or guardians, but they also may want to rebel against authority and society. This is frustrating for teens. When they face disapproval, it’s natural for them to be stressed and anxious. At the same time, they continue to rebel. This is a natural stage of development, but it is stressful for everyone involved.

Peer Pressure

This type of pressure can be positive or negative, but it increases stress levels.

Managing Teenage Anxiety Without Professional Help

Managing anxiety without turning to medical professionals can be possible. However, if anxiety symptoms affect your teen’s daily life, you should at least consider an appointment with a mental health specialist. You can even start by taking your teen to your family doctor, who can then recommend a specialist.

In the meantime, you can try some of these tips when dealing with your anxious teen:

  • Encourage your teen to get daily exercise.
  • Urge your teen to maintain a healthy diet.
  • Help your teen evaluate their schedule and manage their time effectively.
  • Teach your adolescent about relaxation techniques like meditation.

Working with your teen to help him get through what could be a troublesome period of transitioning from childhood to adulthood can help him deal with anxiety symptoms by themselves.

What to Expect from a Teen Anxiety Treatment Program

Parents or guardians concerned about their teen’s mental health should consider having their teen diagnosed. They should also accept the doctor’s recommendations of getting them admitted into a teen anxiety treatment program.

Therapy may be an effective route for dealing with teen anxiety, even though young people may be reluctant to communicate their feelings. Like treatment for any mental health disorder, treatment for anxiety usually involves a blend of individual psychotherapy, family counseling, and group therapeutic activities. It may also include medication management and alternative treatments or activities that promote relaxation, such as art therapy or yoga sessions.

Learn More About Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If you are searching for a teen boys anxiety treatment program in North Carolina, then our team is here for you. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online.