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Common Party Drugs Among Teens

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Common Party Drugs Among Teens

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Some may believe normal teen social behavior is to use drugs or alcohol for experimentation. While many teens may engage in this type of activity, it is dangerous, and there is a potential for addiction even at that age. Party drugs are one example of potential dependencies. These are drugs commonly used by teens because they are more accessible than others. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we can help your teen stop using these drugs for good. Please contact Foothills at Red Oak today at 866.300.5275 to learn about our adolescent addiction treatment programs.

What Are Some Types of Party Drugs?

Party drugs can tame many forms. Teens may be able to find these drugs from a parent’s medicine cabinet, a friend’s prescription medication, or through friends sharing substances. Some of the most common types are party drugs include the following:

  • Marijuana
  • Amphetamines such as Adderall and Dexedrine
  • Prescription painkillers, including opioids
  • Cough medications
  • Sedatives

Over-the-counter medications, such as cough medications, can provide a short-term high. Other drugs, such as Adderall, create a boost of energy that can last for several hours.

Because more potent drugs are harder to obtain by teens who may not have access to cash, these are typically less commonly used. However, when teens do have access to finances to make purchases, they may be able to use social media apps and online purchases to obtain them. In short, parents should be vigilant about all types of drugs teens may be able to attain.

How Do You Know Your Teen Is Using Party Drugs?

It can be hard to determine if a teen is using these types of drugs. Most teens do not use drugs or alcohol all of the time. There are a few things to consider looking for if you suspect your teen could be using these types of drugs:

  • Missing medications, especially prescriptions for other family members
  • Running out of their medication early
  • Irritable behavior that is not typical
  • Spending the night away from home often
  • Feeling pain or sick the day after
  • Changes in academic performance, personality, or hygiene practices

For teens that have used drugs for a long time, it is possible to see the signs of dependence. That may include intense cravings and mood swings when they are not using. It is also possible to experience extreme pain, insomnia, headaches, and hallucinations when not using substances.

In addition, you may want to consider teen social behavior. While it is common for teens to want to spend time together and create their relationships, significant changes that happen quickly are not typical. You may also notice your teen is no longer interested in the things he used to love, favoring not doing anything. Some teens engaging in teen drug use also isolate, which means they use alone and may pull away from all family and friends.

Get the Help You Need by Calling Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

The first step is to get your teen the help he needs. For instance, you can reach out to your child for a long conversation about their use and then turning to our team for guidance and support. We can provide a range of supportive resources for your teen, including medications to ease withdrawal and tools to help build positive life skills. However, it is essential not to wait. Talk to us about what you’re seeing in your teen. Learn more about our programs, including:

Teen drug use isn’t something to ignore because it may not go away or get better. Yet, treatment can make that possible. Learn more by calling Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275 or connect with us online to get the support you need.