A teenage girl thinking about mood disorder treatment

What Is the Best Treatment for a Mood Disorder?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: March 13, 2023Updated: February 22, 2023Mood disorders affect everyone, including teenagers. They can make it more difficult for teens to socialize, enjoy their favorite activities, and succeed in school. If your teenage boy has a mood disorder, effective treatment options can help.…

Teen lays on couch as he stretches arm out to food, as his family tries to stop him from binge eating

How Your Teen Can Stop Binge Eating

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: March 12, 2023Updated: April 24, 2023Binge eating is an eating disorder that involves compulsive eating. Without professional support, a teen with a binge eating disorder might struggle to stop eating. Disordered eating treatment is necessary to help a teen stop binge eating…

Teen-age boy thinking about mood disorders in teens

Is it Possible to Treat a Teen for a Mood Disorder?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: March 8, 2023Updated: February 22, 2023According to the National Institutes of Health, an estimated 14.3% of adolescents have mood disorders, and 11.2% of them suffer severe impairment from mood disorders. Mood disorder treatment for teens is complex, but it is the best…

Man laughs on the outside but in the inside he is struggling with co-occurring disorders

5 Signs You Have Co-Occurring Disorders

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: March 4, 2023Updated: April 24, 2023For some teenage boys who are struggling with substance use disorders, co-occurring mental health conditions may be a contributing factor. Depression and anxiety disorders are common among adolescents, and they can make it more likely for teens…

Teen experiencing teen situational depression

Situational Depression in Teens

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: February 7, 2023Updated: February 23, 2023Depression affects millions of people in the US. Similarly, teens can suffer situational depression due to traumatic events or significant changes in their lives. Fortunately, teens struggling with this mental disorder can get help from an adolescent…

A group of teens discussing stress management techniques for teens

Stress Management Techniques for Teens

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: February 4, 2023Updated: February 23, 2023When a teenager is going through a moment of depression or anxiety, we often feel like they are just, ‘being a teen’. However, teenagers often go through emotional highs and lows due to stress. Stress management techniques…

Teens who are in CBT therapy together posing happily in front of camera

What to Expect in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Teens

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: January 20, 2023Updated: January 24, 2023In the case of most substance use disorders and mental health conditions, cognitive-behavioral therapy for teens is a good idea. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of therapy that provides what adolescents and teens need.All adolescents and…

Teen with social media addiction staring at his phone

When Should I Seek Social Media Addiction Treatment for My Teenage Son?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: January 19, 2023Updated: December 21, 2022It is common to see teenagers glued to their phones. How can a parent recognize when a teen’s social media use has become problematic? Social media use can turn into an addiction, and knowing the signs can…

Teen learning about the benefits of lifestyle medicine

What Are the Benefits of Lifestyle Medicine?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: December 30, 2022Updated: November 28, 2022It’s common for teenagers today to need the support of an adolescent treatment program. At least part of this phenomenon is related to changes in the modern lifestyle that impact wellness.Lifestyle medicine for teens provides a holistic…

Family in family counseling

Is Family Counseling Right for Me?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: December 29, 2022Updated: November 28, 2022There’s nothing more satisfying than when a family works well together as a loving, supportive unit. However, most families don’t function expertly all the time. A family therapy program can help family members improve their communication and…