Teenaged male thinking about nicknames for Molly

Common Nicknames for Molly

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamMedically Reviewed BySharon FindlaySharon Findlay read morePublished: July 12, 2024Updated: July 15, 2024Today, party drugs like molly are common among teenagers. Many teens experiment with drugs and alcohol as a form of social bonding as they explore their boundaries and body autonomy. Molly,…

Teen male thinking about gateway drugs examples

What Are Examples of Gateway Drugs?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 9, 2024Updated: April 16, 2024Initiating substance use during adolescence is one of the key risk factors for future substance use disorders, and what starts with “soft” drugs can quickly transition to more addictive and harmful substances. The best thing you can…

Teen on couch is offered drug, as he wonders about the facts and myths of gateway drugs

What Are the Facts and Myths About Gateway Drugs?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 5, 2023Updated: March 23, 2023Today’s teens are experimenting with drug and alcohol use at increasingly younger ages—many as early as middle school. However, a teen who begins using gateway drugs with friends often needs the help of a substance abuse treatment…

Teen temps another with a joint, as they wonder if one an become addicted to gateway drugs

Can You Become Addicted to Gateway Drugs?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: April 3, 2023Updated: March 23, 2023Gateway drugs are often considered safer or less addictive than other types of drugs. However, gateway drug abuse can easily lead to addiction, which requires the help of a substance abuse treatment center to overcome.Foothills at Red…

Man talks to teenage son about the dangers of marijuana edibles

5 Things You Should Know About Marijuana Edibles

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: February 17, 2023Updated: January 24, 2023Marijuana edibles are becoming increasingly commonplace in the United States. The use of edibles among teens is of particular concern. If your teenage boy is struggling with a marijuana addiction, call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by…

Person in a cloud of smoke wondering, "Is vaping a gateway drug?"

Is Vaping a Gateway Drug?

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamAuthored BySharon FindlaySharon Findlay read morePublished: February 2, 2023Updated: February 23, 2023Many teens and adults in America are increasingly vaping. Advertisers of vape pens (e-cigarettes) claim that it is a safer alternative to smoking marijuana and nicotine, but Foothills at Red Oak Recovery…

Teens walking down street in North Carolina

Teen Drug Addiction Treatment Centers in North Carolina

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: December 10, 2022Updated: December 29, 2022While substance abuse disorders can occur at any age, many start in adolescence. Experimenting with drugs is common for teens. About 5% of high school students reported using drugs like cocaine, inhalants, heroin, methamphetamines, hallucinogens, or ecstasy,…

Teens feeling side effects of teen vaping

Side Effects of Teen Vaping

Added ByFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryFoothills at Red Oak RecoveryMeet The Editorial TeamPublished: October 12, 2022Updated: October 31, 2022Vaping is increasingly popular, especially among teens. The smoking alternative may seem less harmful than cigarettes and second-hand smoke. However, for both teenagers and adults, vaping can have adverse side effects. Today’s ads encourage teens to vape…