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Where to Find Psychological Testing near Wilmington

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Where to Find Psychological Testing near Wilmington

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Psychological testing is an essential tool that allows you to better understand someone you love, like your teen. Psychological testing in Wilmington could come from a lot of places, and not all of them offer the best program. What more should you know about this form of testing? Find out by calling Foothills at Red Oak today at 866.300.5275.

What Is Psychological Testing?

Psychological testing, sometimes called an assessment, sets a foundation for mental health treatments. It allows professionals and families to learn more about someone and to understand their behavior better.

Teen psychological testing is to determine performance at the time of the test. It’s what mental health experts call present functioning. The tests don’t predict someone’s future potential.

What To Expect from Psychological Testing

Psychological testing rarely involves one test. Typically, the testing falls into four categories such as:

  • Clinical interview: This is the core component of the testing because it allows the interviewer to gather information such as background, family history, and home life.
  • Assessment of intellectual functioning: This is what most people know as an intellectual quotient or IQ test. IQ is a theoretical measure of a person’s general intelligence.
  • Personality assessment: The personality assessment gives the interviewer a better understanding of their personality and how they think.
  • Behavioral assessment: This is measuring someone’s actual behavior to understand it better.

The combination determines a course of action if treatment is necessary. Testing can provide valuable data and information that can shape treatment.

What Information Does Teen Psychological Testing Reveal?

Testing provides missing pieces of a puzzle. Treatment needs to focus on the needs of the client. Psychological testing is one tool to determine those needs.

This testing can help mental health specialists determine key personality traits and behavioral patterns, too. It shows current coping mechanisms and struggles the teen may face. It also highlights some skills this person has as they tackle those challenges. Psychological testing also focuses on academic strengths along with potential reasons for current behavior, good and bad.

Why Consider Teen Psychological Testing?

Psychological testing can be a critical tool to get a handle on certain behaviors by a teen. The goal isn’t to pass judgment; it is to provide an assessment that can lead to an effective treatment plan.

Testing allows mental health professionals to combine what they learn during an assessment with the information they get from parents and teachers. Then use that information in treatment.

Where to Go for Psychological Testing?

There are many options, but if your teen needs treatment, a program like Foothills at Red Oak Recovery can help, especially if you live in or near Wilmington. Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is an adolescent treatment facility in Ellenboro, North Carolina, which is just a few hours from Wilmington. We specialize in treatment programs for adolescent boys ages 14 to 17.

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we provide psychological testing near Wilmington, usually part of a treatment plan. Our services include:

  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Co-occurring conditions such as depression or anxiety
  • Trauma treatment
  • Process addiction treatment like gaming addiction
  • Disordered eating treatment

We take a holistic approach to care, meaning we treat the whole person and not just the illness or symptoms. Our psychological testing program offers insight into what teens that come to us need.

While clients at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, teens enjoy fun things like sports, equine therapy with horses right on our property, and adventure activities. They also go to school and both individual and group therapy.

If you are struggling to understand your teen’s behavior, maybe psychological testing can help. Give us a call at 866.300.5275 or go online and fill out our contact form. Someone from our staff at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery will get in touch with you.