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Teen Therapy Services Near Raleigh

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Teen Therapy Services Near Raleigh

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Teen therapy services at the right adolescent treatment facility can be life-changing for someone who is struggling. The goal is to provide a safe place for adolescents to work through programs that might affect their behavior. One such facility that offers teen therapy near Raleigh is Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.

What Is Teen Therapy Services?

Teen therapy services are programs designed with adolescents in mind. The teen years are some of the most difficult ones. It is no wonder that some teens face challenges as they go through them.

Teen therapy services can vary from place to place. Some common ones include:

Teens try hard to develop their own identities, but it is not easy at this stage. They are still getting to know themselves and understand how life works in general.

What Unique Challenges Do Teens Face?

The teen years are full of discovery. These formative years help build a foundation that follows the teen throughout their lives.

Teens face some challenges that can interfere with healthy development, though. For example, bullying can impact how these teens see themselves and interact with the world around them. It can be a confusing time, where teens and their parents don’t always understand the choices made and actions taken. Teen therapy services can help them make changes.

What Teens Benefit From Therapy?

There is no easy answer to this question. The teens that come to Foothills at Red Oak Recovery face many challenges. Some have substance use disorders, for example. Teens who experience trauma sometimes need help to understand it. They may also have behavioral issues that their parents are trying to understand better to help.

Because no two teens are alike, we offer psychological testing that helps us figure out how we can help. From mood swings to low self-esteem to unresolved grief, teen therapy services can help our clients find recovery.

Why Should Parents Consider Teen Therapy Services?

Teens don’t come with a handbook, so parents don’t always understand what is happening with them. Sometimes it takes a professional to turn the lives of these young people around. Teen therapy services offer a safe and often fun environment for teens to talk through the issues that affect them. They may open up to other teens and therapists about things they could never tell their parents.

Find Treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery provides teen therapy services in North Carolina. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we specialize in working with adolescent boys ages 14 to 17. The program starts with an assessment to determine what kinds of services best fit a customized care plan.

Our program includes:

  • Academics
  • Drug and alcohol rehab
  • Family therapy
  • Psychological testing
  • Holistic healing

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is actually a working 94-acre farm so that we can provide some unique programs, too. Our animal caretaking therapy allows teens to give support to calves being weaned from their mothers. They can also build a special relationship with one of our horses as part of equine therapy.

When they are not in classes, therapy, or working with the animals, they can enjoy other fun things like gardening, adventure activities, and sports. All play an intricate part in the healing process we offer at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.

Teen therapy services can help any teen who is confused and in need of professional support. All of us at 866.300.5275 or go online and fill out our contact form. Our staff is available to answer questions you may have about Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.