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What to Do After a Mental Health Diagnosis

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What to Do After a Mental Health Diagnosis

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Why is psychological testing necessary? In order to effectively treat any health issue, physical or mental, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of what that issue is. It would be difficult to arrive at a mental health diagnosis or behavioral health diagnosis without psychological testing. Mental health care centers will typically test and diagnose their clients in the same way physical health care centers do. Some people may be scared or otherwise concerned about the thought of asking for assistance when it comes to mental health. However, the benefits of getting diagnosed and then assessed for treatment far outweigh the challenge of overcoming the initial fear of seeking help.

If you’re searching for a reputable health care center in North Carolina offering psychological testing and related services, we’re here for you. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team using our convenient online form.

What Is a Mental Health Diagnosis?

Diagnosed mental illnesses are health conditions that involve changes in behavior, emotion, or thinking. Mental health issues are often associated with distress and problems functioning during family, social, or work activities.

Mental health is the foundation for communication, emotions, learning, resilience, self-esteem, and thinking. It’s also essential to maintain relationships, focus on personal and emotional well-being, and contribute to the community or society.

Many people with a mental illness do not want to talk about it because of social stigma or embarrassment. However, mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of as it’s a medical condition, just like diabetes or arthritis, and it is treatable. Many clients with mental illness continue to function in their daily lives after diagnosis, especially after mental health treatment.

What Is a Behavioral Health Diagnosis?

Diagnosed behavioral disorders typically involve a pattern of disruptive behaviors in people that last for at least six months. These conditions cause problems at home, work, and social situations. At times, nearly everyone shows some disruptive behaviors, but those struggling with behavior disorders display more severe symptoms. Behavioral disorders may involve the following signs:

  • Drug use
  • Defiant behavior
  • Inattention
  • Impulsivity
  • Hyperactivity
  • Criminal activity

Some experts may use the terms “mental health diagnosis” and “behavioral health diagnosis” interchangeably. Mental health is encompassed by behavioral health, which means that both terms are correct when referring to nonphysical disorders and other issues. Some common behavioral disorders include attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct disorder.

What’s the Next Step After Obtaining a Health Diagnosis?

Depending on a person’s specific situation, there will be particular advantages to getting mental health treatment. Despite the challenges of obtaining treatment, it’s imperative that you prioritize seeking mental health treatment as soon as possible. Waiting to get support can lead to more severe issues. The benefits of mental health treatment are the following:

  • Improved performance at school or work: Productivity, concentration, and creativity may be enhanced, along with reduced absenteeism, when someone takes care of their mental health.
  • Better quality of life: Without anxiety, depression, stress, and other psychological problems to weigh someone down, they can live their life to the fullest.
  • Improved relationships: When the symptoms of mental illness don’t take up all of someone’s time and focus, they can develop and maintain healthy relationships.
  • Reduced risk of developing co-occurring issues: Many people with mental illness unfortunately also develop related disorders, such as substance addiction. When this happens, a dual diagnosis treatment program will help.
  • Reduced risk of developing negative medical issues: Untreated mental illness can contribute to physical problems like colitis, heart disease, or ulcers. It also impairs the immune system.
  • Encouragement and support: Therapy will enable clients to understand themselves and their personal goals better. Group therapy, in particular, can provide exposure to others with similar struggles – which can offer fresh perspectives.

Find Support for Your Teen at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If you’re looking for a reputable mental health care center in North Carolina, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Call 866.300.5275 today to talk to one of our caring clinicians.