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What Are Some Signs Of Social Media Addiction?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What Are Some Signs Of Social Media Addiction?

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In recent years, social media browsing became a favorite pastime for many people. In 2018, billions of people used social media as a form of entertainment. This number is expected to increase in the next decade. It is easy to see how overuse occurs as social media is readily available to anyone with an internet or WiFi connection. Many people wonder about the signs of social media addiction or when to seek treatment. Therefore, it’s vital to learn more about possible overuse and addiction. One option is to seek out a social media addiction treatment center in North Carolina. Contact Foothills at Red Oak today at 866.300.5275 to learn more about this treatment option.

A Large Amount Of Time Spent On Social Media Sites

It is essential to monitor social media usage to determine if you or your loved one spends too much time on the sites. A problem is imminent if you are looking at social media sites for several hours a day, every day. Someone with an addiction to social media browsing and posting often spends more time online than they do at work each day. They feel the need to log into their accounts whenever they have a free moment. They tend to sneak in some browsing time while on the job or look at social media sites when attention is needed elsewhere. As a parent, consider checking online time each day via cellphone or computer history records. Knowing the signs of social media addiction that go hand in hand with time spent on the sites will help pinpoint whether an addiction is present.

Oversharing Information On Sites And Trying To Gain Approval From Online Peers

People who become addicted to social media post information about themselves, their families, and their everyday activities constantly. They post pictures and identifying information for all to see. Since they do this to gain attention from others, they get upset when they don’t get “likes” or similar approval tokens. When they do get attention, they brag about it to friends and family. It is dangerous to overshare, and your private life becomes put in the public eye. Addicts, however, do not realize what signs of social media addiction are and post purely for the feeling of acceptance from others who frequent the same sites.

Using Social Media As An Escape From Everyday Life

If you become addicted to social media, you will find being online is more comfortable than when you have real-life socializing situations. Often social media is an escape from real-life activities. Therefore, cutting your time short online can cause anxiety or depression. Some people start to obsess about their online friends and make it a “job” to decide what to post next. Browsing a social media site in search of new friends also takes place. Some people add strangers, as well.

How to Prevent Social Media Addiction

The best way to prevent a social media addiction is to limit the time the person spends online each day. You can also practice the following steps:

  • Turn off all notifications
  • Fill your spare time with a new hobby
  • Get rid of apps that you aren’t using
  • Take a break from social media altogether
  • Reach out to friends and family

If you’re unable to prevent social media addiction, then it may be time to reach out to the social media addiction treatment center. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today to learn more about our treatment options.

Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

Social media addiction is a relatively new type of problem that has escalated as technology advanced in recent years. Do you or someone you know need help in minimizing social media use? If you want to learn more about the signs of social media addiction, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Our treatment includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Call us at 866.300.5275 if you or a loved one is suffering from social media addiction. We are ready to help successfully treat social media overuse in male adolescents.