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What Are Facts About Underage Drinking?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What Are Facts About Underage Drinking?

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Underage drinking is a serious problem that impacts teens across the country. For teens affected by alcohol addiction, teen alcohol abuse treatment can provide the professional support they need. If you’re unsure of your teen’s drinking status or assume that your teen doesn’t drink, learning about teen alcohol use might alert you to a problem. Knowing the facts about underage drinking and talking to your son about the dangers of teen drinking can help you guide them to make safe, smart choices. Foothills at Red Oak Recovery offers underage drinking treatment for teenage boys. If your adolescent boy is misusing alcohol, call 866.300.5275 today to learn more about our treatment options. We would love to help parents and their teenage sons find the right path to sobriety.

Parents Should Know the Facts of Underage Drinking

Most parents know that underage drinking happens. However, many parents assume their child wouldn’t engage in underage alcohol use. It’s important that parents recognize just how common teen drinking is and how serious its long-term consequences are.

Your Teen Has Probably Tried Alcohol

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that by their senior year of high school, around 70% of teens in the U.S. have tried alcohol at least once.

Peer Pressure Is a Leading Cause of Teen Drinking 

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), peer pressure is one of the most common reasons behind underage drinking. Wanting to fit in and avoid judgment can lead a teen to drink, even when they know they shouldn’t.

Teen Drinking Can Lead to Addiction and Drug Use

The CDC reports that teens who drink are at a higher risk of developing alcohol use disorder in their later years. Underage drinking can also lead to:

  • Drug use
  • Academic issues
  • High-risk sexual behavior
  • STDs and sexual issues
  • Physical and sexual violence
  • Legal issues
  • Mental and emotional health problems
  • Increased risk of suicide

Teen alcohol use opens the door to endless problems that can impact a teen throughout adulthood.

Teen Drinking Hurts Brain Development

The teen brain is still developing. According to the NIAAA, teen alcohol use can have a serious impact on how a teen’s brain develops, leading to lifelong issues with cognitive function, decision-making skills, and mental and emotional health.

Teen Drinking Can Be Fatal

Teen drinking often has deadly outcomes. The SAMHSA reports that in the U.S., over 4,000 teens die every year because of underage drinking.

Talking to Teens About Underage Drinking Facts 

The facts about teen alcohol use present a grim picture. However, here’s one final fact that can help put parents at ease: when you talk to your kids, they’re less likely to drink.

According to the SAMHSA, teens reported that the single biggest factor that impacted whether they chose to try alcohol was their parents. When parents take the time to explain underage drinking facts and express their disapproval of underage drinking, teenagers listen.

Underage Drinking Treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

Underage alcohol use is a growing issue. Today, many teens have the opportunity to use alcohol as early as middle school, and most teens engage in underage drinking before they finish high school.

Talking to your teen can help set them up for success, but sometimes, talking isn’t enough. Underage drinking can easily lead to alcohol addiction. Even if your teen wants to stop drinking, they may not be able to without professional support.

If your teenage boy is struggling with alcohol use, the best way to support him is to seek professional help. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275 today to learn more about underage drinking treatment.