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Top Common Co-Occurring Issues in Adolescents

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Top Common Co-Occurring Issues in Adolescents

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Co-occurring disorders, or the simultaneous existence of drug abuse and mental health issues, are common across the United States. The prevalence of co-occurring problems among adolescents is much higher. The majority of youths with substance use disorders also battle mental illness.

Addressing co-occurring issues may require spending time in an accredited co-occurring disorder treatment program. These are common in drug and rehab centers across the United States. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we specialize in the needs of adolescent boys. Contact us today at 866.300.5275 to learn more about co-occurring disorders and co-occurring issues treatment for adolescents available at our North Carolina treatment center.

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

The overwhelming nature of depression, anxiety, or other emotional challenges puts people at grave risk of substance abuse. It’s part of a quest to find real and immediate relief from sometimes severe and persistent symptoms. When this happens, it has a name in medicine: a co-occurring disorder or dual-diagnosis disorder.

A high percentage of people with substance abuse also struggle with their mental health, while the opposite is also correct. Co-occurring disorders can originate in any direction, with a variety of triggers. Co-occurring issues happen so frequently that specific mental health clinics now routinely administer drug and alcohol screening tests. Millions of Americans struggled with co-occurring issues in 2018.

Top Common Co-Occurring Issues in Adolescents

Adolescents most commonly abuse marijuana and alcohol. But co-occurring issues can happen in any order and really with any substance. That’s part of the reason why a focused co-occurring disorder treatment for adolescents is so necessary.

Despite that, some conditions are more common in co-occurring disorders for adolescents than others. Most experts agree that these include:

  • Depression occurs when young people show problems with sadness, shame, and guilt
  • Bipolar disorder is marked by periods of hyperactivity followed by depression
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder occurs when individuals are unable to focus
  • Anxiety disorders such as panic attacks occur when a teen struggles with extreme feelings of stress
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is common after traumatic events

Recognizing the symptoms of each of these should make you alert to the risks of drug or alcohol abuse.

How Are Co-Occurring Disorders Treated?

Treatment protocols for co-occurring disorders have evolved over the past several decades. Doctors used to consider substance abuse and mental health separate issues, so therefore, treatment was different.

Medicine now recognizes the correlation between the two and indicates integrated co-occurring disorder treatment as the best possible approach. The idea is that the best treatment for co-occurring disorders involves addressing a person’s entire needs at the same time.

Typically, co-occurring disorder treatment begins by addressing substance use, as it’s difficult to treat mental health when someone is under the influence. But every individual is a bit different. Your treatment coordinators will help develop a plan that works right for you.

Treatment Options Available at Our Co-Occurring Disorder Treatment Center

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we are committed to providing the best possible treatment for teens. We provide a range of treatment options that we tailor to the needs of our clients. These treatments can include evidence-based treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy. These therapeutic options have extensive research showing their efficacy and the benefits of these treatments. However, we also offer a range of holistic therapies. These therapies address addiction’s effects on a person’s mind, body, and soul. They can also be highly effective for co-occurring disorders. For instance, these therapeutic options include:

  • Experiential therapy
  • Equine-assisted therapy
  • Adventure therapy
  • Yoga therapy
  • Meditation therapy

With these therapeutic options, combined with effective treatment for co-occurring disorders, it is possible to enter long-term recovery.

Addressing Co-Occurring Issues at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery offers the co-occurring disorder treatment that’s right for you and your loved one. We will work together as a team to address the substance abuse and emotional challenges, moving together step by step to a brighter day filled with promise. In addition, we also treat gaming addictions, eating disorders, and other emotional challenges common to adolescents. Foothills at Red Oak Recovery focuses on boys between the ages of 14 to 17. We offer a range of treatment programs, including:

  • Depression treatment
  • Anxiety treatment
  • Disordered eating treatment
  • Bipolar disorder treatment
  • PTSD treatment

Substance abuse and mental health are hard enough conditions to deal with on their own. Sometimes they happen together and cause co-occurring disorders. The challenge of addressing co-occurring issues for adolescents is steep and cannot be handled without professional help. Get started today. Contact a counselor by calling us at 866.300.5275 or use our convenient online form.