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Tips for Helping Your Teen with Alcohol Withdrawal

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Tips for Helping Your Teen with Alcohol Withdrawal

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Teenagers across the country can struggle with alcohol abuse. While alcohol may still be illegal for teenagers, it remains a popular aspect of teen culture. Many teens try alcohol for the first time in middle or high school and can develop alcohol dependence. Often, teenagers self-medicate and self-soothe with alcohol. Drinking may help them cope with stress at school, at home, and in the world. When teenagers or adults become dependent on alcohol and other substances, they can experience withdrawal when it leaves their bodies. Coping with teen alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be difficult, especially when detoxing alone.

Call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery to enroll in our alcohol detox treatment program if your teen is abusing alcohol. Our North Carolina clinic helps adolescent boys get their lives back on track. Call us at 866.300.5275 for more information.

What Is Alcohol Withdrawal?

When the body becomes dependent on a substance like alcohol, a person will experience a range of symptoms when the substance leaves their system. Alcohol affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and communication pathways. When the brain develops a dependency on alcohol or other drugs, it will signal the body that it needs more alcohol to survive. This leads the body to crave more alcohol. Withdrawal can occur when someone suddenly quits drinking and attempts to detox.

If your teen experiences withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, they have most likely developed an alcohol dependency. Withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Mood swings
  • Alcohol cravings
  • Drug cravings
  • Tremors
  • Confusion
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Anxiety
  • Memory loss
  • Erratic behavior
  • Drug-seeking behavior
  • Insomnia

Withdrawal symptoms can vary in severity depending on how often a person drinks alcohol. The longer someone has been dependent on alcohol, the more difficult withdrawal will be. For teenagers, these symptoms may present like intense flu with depression, hopelessness, and erratic behavior.

Mitigating Withdrawal During Detox

Detoxing from alcohol can be just as hard as detoxing from illicit drugs. During detox, a person is more likely to relapse and overdose. Alcohol poisoning is very common among those attempting to detox at home. When a person overdoses on alcohol, they usually cannot seek medical attention on their own. If your teen is experiencing withdrawal symptoms, try the following:

  • Limit access to alcohol. During withdrawal, many people will drink any alcohol they can find, including cough syrup and cold medicine, to lessen the effects of withdrawal. Teens may also seek other drugs to mitigate withdrawal symptoms.
  • Keep them hydrated. Alcohol causes dehydration. Making sure your teen gets enough water and electrolytes can help their body restore itself faster.
  • Get professional help immediately. Detoxing from alcohol can be dangerous and beyond what many families can handle at home. A professional detox center for teens can provide the medical and psychiatric care your child needs.

Today, many underlying issues can cause a young adult to drink alcohol. For many, alcohol helps them cope with stress, bullying, relationships, and fears of failure. Teen detox programs can help young people heal from childhood wounds, shift perspectives, and develop tools for coping with social stressors.

Begin Teen Alcohol Abuse Treatment at Red Oak Recovery Today

Alcohol abuse and dependency are increasingly common across the United States today. If your teen is struggling with alcohol, they are not alone. The medical staff at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery can help your teen recover. Our detox programs for teenage boys treat addiction and co-occurring disorders in beautiful North Carolina. We use medically assisted detox and traditional psychiatric care alongside alternative therapies. The teens at Foothills build resilience and heal from alcohol, drug, and process addiction at our holistic treatment center. Learn more by calling us at 866.300.5275 to find the right program for your son.