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The Stages of Addiction Recovery

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

The Stages of Addiction Recovery

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Teens can face a number of challenges when taking the step into addiction recovery. At the start is physical withdrawal from the drugs or alcohol they’re addicted to. This can be an extremely difficult and uncomfortable time, made worse by any underlying mental health concerns.

The next stage is working through the psychological aspects of addiction. Teens will need to come to terms with why they turned to drugs or alcohol in the first place and learn how to cope with stress and triggers in a healthy way. Over time, they will need to work through challenges, achieve recovery, face the potential for relapse, and continue with aftercare to get stronger. It’s impossible to rush, but there is help to encourage your teen to thrive during the addiction recovery process. Our team at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is here to help. Contact us today at 866.300.5275 for more information about the stages of addiction recovery and our substance abuse recovery center.

The Typical Stages of Addiction Recovery

It’s not a straight line to recovery. Instead, it’s more like a winding road. Just as with physical healing, there are stages of addiction recovery that a person goes through. It’s important to remember that relapse is always a possibility, but each time a person picks themselves up and starts again, they become stronger and more resilient.


During this stage, the teen may not believe they have an addiction or a problem. They are in denial that using drugs or alcohol is even dangerous because their use seems to have positive effects. Most people in this stage are in one of several categories:

  • They don’t see the problem. They have no willingness to change.
  • The problem exists, but they do not want to stop.
  • The problem exists, but they have all of the answers and ample reasons not to get help.
  • They are overwhelmed by the problem and they think it cannot improve.


The next stage is where awareness occurs. They see that there are some consequences to continued use. They also begin to want to change, but they have not yet decided to do so. Sometimes, they may go back to the previous stage to avoid this decision.


There’s a learning phase that comes next. There’s no action towards recovery, but they are reaching out to get some information. They may talk to friends, family, or their doctor about addiction.


This step is when they decide they want to get into detox and treatment. In this phase, they learn to work through their addiction, getting educated about it, and learning strategies to help them avoid complications later. They may also attend 12-step meetings or other support groups.


In this phase, your teen is working towards getting back to life. It’s challenging, and there is a considerable risk of relapse here. As a result, we encourage aftercare and continued treatment to help keep them focused on their goal of long-term addiction recovery. If a relapse happens, it’s just a sign they need more time in treatment.


This is a phase many do not know about in addiction recovery. It occurs when they reach a point where drugs and alcohol are no longer a lure. They can build and live a healthy life. Their addiction remains, but it no longer controls the decisions they make. They are happy with themselves and working towards creating a successful life.

The First Step in Addiction Recovery

Our team at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery understands the challenges you’re facing with making the decision to get help for your teen. We work with teenage boys to provide them with a safe, compassionate treatment program. Our treatment center encourages sobriety and enables opportunities to improve academics and reclaim a higher quality of life. We encourage parents to reach out to our professionals to learn more about their teen’s treatment options, including programs such as:

  • Family therapy programs
  • Equine therapy programs
  • Academic support programs
  • Holistic healing solutions
  • Co-occurring issues treatment

Each teenager is different and their treatment program will reflect that.

Let Foothills at Red Oak Recovery Provide a Path to Healing

Addiction recovery, from gaining awareness to detox and aftercare, is a journey filled with opportunities and obstacles. Yet, reaching sobriety, especially for a teen, is incredibly valuable. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we provide resources for long-term success. To learn more, call us a 866.300.5275 or reach out to us online.