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Social Media Effects on Teens

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Social Media Effects on Teens

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Today, social media plays an increasingly prominent role in daily life. While parents might think their teens spend too much time on social media, they may not consider it an addiction. However, when social media affects a teen’s ability to engage with the world around them, stay active, social, and keep up with school, it could be signs of a process addiction. The best way to diagnose, treat, and understand social media addiction is an addiction recovery program for teens.

If your teen’s social media use negatively affects their behavior, call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Our holistic recovery programs for teen males treat co-occurring disorders like social media addiction to help teens regain a healthy, balanced life. Call 866.300.5275 or visit us online to learn more about the effects of social media on teens.

What Is Social Media Addiction?

Social media addiction is considered a process addiction. Process addictions are compulsive, time-consuming behavioral patterns that are hard to break without professional support. Process addictions can be signs of unprocessed trauma and underlying mood disorders like OCD, anxiety, and depression. Social media addiction often develops as a way to avoid feeling certain painful emotions. Unfortunately, it can cause those emotions to persist and worsen, leading to new and worsening symptoms.

Negative Effects of Social Media on Teenagers

Acknowledging a social media addiction can be difficult, especially for teens. Signs and symptoms of social media addiction include:

  • Excessive time on social media
  • Lower self-esteem
  • Fear of missing out
  • Neglecting family and friends
  • Changes in grades or school and extra-curricular participation
  • Disturbed sleeping, eating, and personal care routines
  • Anxiety or depression

Unfortunately, social media addiction is increasingly common. Social media apps are designed to keep users engaged with doses of dopamine. When someone receives a comment or like, their brain releases dopamine, which encourages the brain to keep engaging with the platform. A similar dopamine reward process happens with drugs and alcohol.

While social media releases dopamine, it can also cause teenagers to compare themselves to others, feel worthless, and worry about their appearance.

Treating Social Media Addiction for Teens in North Carolina

It can be challenging to treat social media addiction at home. Setting boundaries can test relationships when teens need support and therapeutic care. Social media addiction is a sign it’s time to get your teen a psychiatric evaluation for mood disorders. Evaluations can help teens and their families understand the root causes of social media addiction.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other behavioral therapies are usually the first steps for social media addiction treatment. These evidence-based therapies can help teens understand their moods and behaviors. During weekly meetings, therapists provide exercises and tools for teens to better understand their emotions and cope with stress. Behavioral therapy also helps teens build emotional resilience and change behaviors over time. CBT can be used in individual and family therapy to improve connection and communication. When used alongside alternative therapies, behavioral therapy provides better results.

If your teen is struggling with social media use, call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today. Our North Carolina-based treatment center helps teenage males recover from process addictions, disordered eating, and substance use. With an emphasis on outdoor, holistic healing, clients at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery love working towards recovery with our equine-assisted therapy program and adventure therapy.

Treat Social Media Addiction at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If your son or a teenager in your life is struggling with signs of social media addiction, don’t wait. The team at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery can help. Call us 866.300.5275 today to enroll your son in social media addiction treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.