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Signs of Opioid Addiction

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Signs of Opioid Addiction

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Recognizing the signs of opioid addiction early can save your teen’s life. Opioids are highly addictive substances, and misusing them too often leads to fatal overdose. If you’re concerned that a young person in your life is turning to opioids or other substances, our adolescent opioid addiction treatment center is here to help.

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® is a residential program for adolescent boys, providing the tools, support, and resources your teen needs to overcome the challenges they face.

Call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® at 828.519.5047 to learn more about the symptoms of opioid addiction and how to get your son back on the right track toward recovery.

The Warning Signs of Opioid Abuse

Opioids are a group of substances that include heroin, oxycontin, morphine, fentanyl, and other illegal and prescription medications. Legal opioids are prescribed to manage pain, but even legal prescriptions can be misused and lead to an addiction disorder.

Whether your teen is misusing prescription opioids or illicit drugs, the signs of opioid addiction are the same. However, recognizing the warning signs can be a challenge with teens. The hormonal changes and social pressures teens go through can cause them to be moody, irritable, impulsive, and self-isolating.

If drug misuse is a concern, it’s important to consider the behavior of your teen as a whole. Poor performance in school could be the result of drug misuse, but it could also be related to depression or anxiety. Many young people who develop substance use disorders also have a co-occurring condition.

Some of the signs of opioid misuse to be aware of include:

  • Engaging in risky activities
  • Falling asleep at inappropriate times, such as in the middle of a conversation
  • Needle marks or “tracks” on the arms or legs
  • A new group of friends that you don’t know
  • Poor performance in school
  • Loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed
  • The presence of paraphernalia such as needles, baggies, and pipes for smoking
  • Itchy, flushed skin
  • Lying, secretive behavior
  • Valuables and cash missing from the home
  • Getting into legal trouble

Mood changes and signs of depression or anxiety can also be related to opioid misuse, but in some cases, these psychological symptoms may precede drug use.

Signs of Opioid Overdose

Like opioid use disorder symptoms, the signs of overdose may not be obvious until the situation becomes critical. If you suspect your teen is misusing opioids in any form, watch carefully for the signs of an overdose, which include:

  • Shallow or slow breathing
  • Constricted pupils
  • Fingernails, lips, or skin turning pale or having a bluish tinge
  • Falling asleep suddenly
  • Skin that is cold or clammy to the touch
  • Loss of consciousness

If you see the signs of an overdose, call 911 immediately. Hesitating to act could delay life-saving medical help. Stay with the person until help arrives.

What To Do When You Notice the Signs of Opioid Abuse

Seeing a young person exhibit the symptoms of opioid addiction is frightening. Parents can beg, threaten, argue, and attempt to control their child, but an opioid use disorder is a powerful enemy. It takes more than parental pressure or love to solve an addiction issue.

Getting your child into an opioid treatment program is the best approach. Recovery programs provide the therapy and support young people need to address the root cause of their addiction disorder and begin to heal.

Find Effective Treatment for Teen Opioid Use Disorder at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® offers comprehensive programs for teens struggling with opioid use disorder. Our recovery center is filled with caring, qualified staff who understand how difficult addiction issues are for a family.

Our programs include evidence-based therapies, including family therapy, to help rebuild strong, healthy bonds between family members. If your teen is exhibiting opioid use disorder symptoms, call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® today at 828.519.5047 or use our online contact form to learn how our program can help.