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Rehabilitation Center in Virginia or North Carolina?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Rehabilitation Center in Virginia or North Carolina?

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When it comes to adolescent treatment centers, parents and guardians should make a decision based on what will best serve their teens and their specific treatment-related needs. For example, gender-specific and age-specific treatments are more effective approaches for most adolescents. While many parents may initially focus on an addiction treatment center’s location, sometimes it’s worth choosing an option that’s out of state if it’s best for the potential clients.

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we focus exclusively on providing professional help to adolescent boys with mental health and substance use disorders. If you are in Virginia and unable to find a rehabilitation center like this, consider a well-respected adolescent treatment center in North Carolina as an alternative. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online.

Are There Enough Rehabilitation Centers in Virginia?

Considering an out-of-state rehab option doesn’t mean that there are not any options for rehab centers where you live. Virginia, specifically, has some of the nation’s highest rates of drug-related criminal activities. An uptick in prescription medication abuse in the state has also led to an increase in methadone clinics in Virginia.

Virginia also has some of the toughest legal penalties for illicit drug-related acts. First-time drug offenders must all participate in a treatment program that offers substance abuse therapies, assists with relapse prevention, and tests for drugs.

However, choosing an adolescent treatment center is a huge decision. Whether a facility is within the state or out of state, what’s essential is that it offers what your teen truly needs. Consider that your teen may recover with fewer distractions and less pressure on them if you send them far from home.

Looking for an Adolescent Treatment Center Near Virginia?

Like Virginia, the state of North Carolina has a problem when it comes to substance abuse. If you’re based in Virginia, North Carolina isn’t too far away, so it could be helpful to expand your search into North Carolina.

Both VA and NC have residents at great risk of developing addictions. As a result, millions living in rural areas don’t have easy access to addiction treatment facilities. Both Virginia and North Carolina treatment centers are used to providing clients from far away with inpatient treatments.

What Can Clients Expect From Teen Rehabilitation for Addiction?

Many addiction treatment facilities provide age-specific and gender-specific programs to help clients relax among their peers as they’re healing. For example, Foothills at Red Oak Recovery has an inpatient drug rehab program specifically for teenage boys. Residential recovery programs usually last 30 days or longer, which means that clients will also have access to an excellent academic program so they can keep up with schoolwork while working on recovery.

Many teen rehabilitation programs require clients to go through a detox program before starting on further addiction treatment. While clients are learning how to recognize addiction triggers and practicing coping mechanisms, they should have access to 24-hour care and keep up with their studies. Most programs will also teach clients how to care for their bodies with proper nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits. For instance, our treatment programs include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Equine-assisted therapy
  • Adventure therapy
  • Family therapy

Some addiction treatment facilities may come up with a dual diagnosis during client assessment. In other words, in addition to addiction, there is a co-occurring mental health issue that also needs treatment. For cases like this, a dual diagnosis treatment program is required. Without addressing the underlying causes of addiction through a customized care plan, a client could end up in an endless cycle of mental illness and substance use disorders.

Get Treatment for Your Teen at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

Unable to find a rehabilitation center in Virginia and looking for a reputable adolescent treatment center in North Carolina? Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Call 866.300.5275 or reach out to our team online.