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How Your Teen Can Continue Their Education While in Rehab or Treatment

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How Your Teen Can Continue Their Education While in Rehab or Treatment

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Substance use disorder, trauma, process addiction, and mental health concerns can damage your teen’s education. By entering a treatment center, your adolescent boy can receive therapeutic support and improve his academics simultaneously.

The Foothills at Red Oak Recovery’s rehab education program is one of its best programs. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today at 866.300.5275 to learn more.

What Is Rehab School?

Rehab school allows teens to study language arts, mathematics, and other courses that will help them get into college and support their career goals.

Although core classes are essential to a child’s education, school is more than a place to learn academic concepts. Rehab school is also a place for adolescents to learn social skills, expand their minds, and learn how to problem solve.

The need for therapeutic intervention doesn’t have to mean education gets put on the back burner. Selecting a treatment center for your teenage boy that emphasizes high-quality education is the key. While in rehab, your child can continue their classes in a manner that fits their needs.

Some programs have teachers come to the center several hours a week to help students with traditional high school classes. Others have teachers on staff that help coordinate a client’s educational needs with their current school. Providing online and in-person learning allows the student to return to school after rehab without falling behind.

A therapeutic boarding school is another option. Therapeutic boarding schools are schools where children live for the entire school year. The focus is on academics, but interventions are available to help students improve their behaviors.

Some centers offer an adapted academic curriculum that teaches life skills or personal growth-related courses that assist those with substance use or mental health disorders. This model may not be the best choice for teens who wish to earn a traditional high school diploma and continue their education. However, it can be a good option for teenagers who have been unsuccessful with traditional academics.

Benefits of Continued Education During Teenager Rehab

A good rehab education provides a foundation for career success and much more. Excelling in core subjects and involvement with creative subjects, like band, art, and theater, build students’ self-confidence and help them discover their interests.

Other benefits of continuing academics while in teenager rehab include:

  • Allows clients to keep up with their education and even excel
  • Teaches new methods of studying
  • Keeps classes small and limits distractions
  • It offers more one-on-one attention from educators
  • Provides a sense of normalcy during rehab
  • Promotes personal responsibility
  • Provides a break from emotionally intense therapies

When teenagers live at a residential treatment center, their days must be filled with supportive, meaningful activities. Rehab should include time to relax, socialize with friends, and have quiet personal time. However, without structure, clients would soon become bored and restless.

Devoting several hours a day to academics helps clients feel that life is “normal” even though they are currently in an unusual situation.

For a teenager, rehab should not feel like punishment but like the supportive, therapeutic tool it is meant to be. Continuing academic learning in rehab is an important part of the overall experience.

Discover Continued Education Support at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, our treatment and academic programs are designed to help clients get back on a healthy path without falling behind in school. Our education staff is available to help your teen excel in foundational courses and pursue their educational interests in new ways.

Call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275 if you believe your teenage boy could benefit from therapeutic and academic support.