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How to Stage an Intervention for Teens

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

How to Stage an Intervention for Teens

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Teen substance use is one of the most distressing things that a family can go through. It’s very difficult to watch your loved one struggle. Fortunately, holding an intervention can show teenagers how much their families love them. Before families take that step, though, they must learn how to stage an intervention for teens.

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we have extensive experience in helping teens overcome their substance use disorder. We know how helpful interventions can be if they’re done properly. Let us help you through this challenging period. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today at 866.300.5275 to learn about our substance abuse treatment program.

About Adolescent Interventions

Whether for teens or adults, interventions can be awkward. When it comes to adolescent interventions, the process can be tricky. Before you can learn how to stage an intervention for teens, you must understand the different types of adolescent interventions. An informal intervention usually involves the parents just talking with the teen about substance use. Essentially, it’s a quiet conversation with the goal of educating teenagers about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.

When there’s evidence of ongoing substance, a formal intervention is necessary. The teen must be confronted about the effects their substance abuse has had on their family’s lives. If teens could become violent or storm out, families should consider asking professionals for help.

There are a number of actions families should take before their intervention, including:

  • Choosing a small group of loved ones committed to providing support for your teen
  • Picking a time that is convenient for everyone, where no one will feel rushed or harried
  • Arranging for the intervention to happen in a neutral setting
  • If you suspect that emotions will get out of hand, contact an interventionist for support

The end goal of intervention for substance use disorders is for teens to seek treatment. Setting the scene in an appropriate way is one of the best ways to ensure that this goal is achievable.

Tips for How to Stage an Intervention for Teens

Families who want to hold interventions on their own can follow some tips to succeed. It’s important that they review all of these tips before they start. It’s important to note that the first intervention may not resolve all of the issues. Sometimes, it takes several conversations and help from a teen intervention center.

Set a Goal

Before families talk to their teens, they need to have a goal in mind. Even if it’s a small goal, they need to know where to take the conversation. Do they want their teenagers to obey a curfew, stop binge drinking, or see a therapist? In any case, families should keep their expectations within reason. Achieving even the most minor goal is a triumph.

Prepare and Practice

Teenagers often aren’t happy when their families approach them about their behavior. They’re likely to lash out and accuse their family members of being nosy, lying, or fake. Because of that, preparing and practicing the talk is an important tip for how to stage an intervention for teens.

Families need to know how they’ll deal with the accusations before they happen. They should even practice what they want to say and how they’ll say it. Asking a friend to listen to their statement can ensure that it’s clear without being judgmental.

Get Help for Your Teen

Does a teen in your family have a substance use issue? Foothills at Red Oak Recovery has an adolescent program that redefines the clinical experience. Our outpatient treatment center offers many treatments, including:

  • Alcohol and drug abuse treatments
  • Disordered eating treatment
  • Anxiety and depression treatments
  • Trauma treatment
  • Gaming and social media addiction treatments

Don’t let your teen hit rock bottom before you intervene. Learn more about how to stage an intervention for teens from Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Contact us at 866.300.5275 today or use our convenient online form to speak to one of our experts.