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Group Therapy for Teen Boys Available in North Carolina

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Group Therapy for Teen Boys Available in North Carolina

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Why would a group therapy program be helpful for teen boys? There are many reasons for teens to feel emotional and overwhelmed. When they get lost in their feelings and thoughts, they may become withdrawn from their family and friends. Group therapy can help them recognize that they’re not alone in their struggles. To learn more about our group therapy program in North Carolina, please get in touch with Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 today.

What Is a Group Therapy Program?

A group therapy program is a structured form of psychotherapy. Unlike in a one-on-one therapy program, several clients meet regularly in a group therapy program to share their feelings and thoughts with one another under the guidance of a therapist. While many clients, especially teens, may initially feel intimidated by the idea of sharing personal issues with a group of strangers, studies show that this type of therapeutic setting is highly effective.

A group therapy program may be used by itself, but it’s often part of a more comprehensive treatment plan that includes one-on-one therapy and possibly medication management. Group therapy for teen boys is often part of teen rehab programs.

What Are Some Common Types of Group Therapy?

There are several different types of group therapy, and the group therapy models available in rehab programs vary based on participants and type of addiction. Here are some of the most common types of group therapy:

  • Psychoeducational groups: This type focuses on educating clients about their conditions and providing them with new coping skills and strategies.
  • Skills development groups: This type focuses on introducing and improving clients’ skills to cope with certain mental health issues. The overall goal involves strengthening the behavioral and cognitive resources of the clients to help them make better and more positive choices and avoid negative situations.
  • Cognitive behavioral groups: This type is based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and attempts to restructure the harmful or negative beliefs of clients.
  • Support groups: This type can help clients cope with significant life changes, such as losing a loved one. In support groups, clients give and receive unconditional acceptance.
  • Interpersonal process groups: This type uses the psychodynamic approach to promote positive change. Psychodynamics is a school of psychology that views a client’s early life experiences and subconscious beliefs and feelings as the foundation of their personality.

What Makes Group Therapy for Teen Boys Effective?

Think about everything your teen boy needs to juggle, such as applying to college, asking their crush to go with them to prom, family issues, peer pressure, school responsibilities, and more. Group therapy provides teen boys a safe and secure place to talk about whatever’s on their minds.

Group therapy for teen boys, especially in a gender-specific and age-specific space, also provides therapists with the rare opportunity to see the social problems of teen boys in action. Bullying, fearfulness, inattentiveness, social anxieties, shyness, and more emerge in group therapy. A skilled group therapist can catch important reactions and realizations in the moment and help teen boys overcome destructive habits and make better choices in the future.

In general, a group therapy program is like a fitness routine for social skills. Teens can emerge from a positive group therapy experience with new interpersonal tools and abilities. When group therapy is part of treatment programs, what teen boys learn can help them manage their triggers and avoid relapsing.

Group work also helps teens increase their emotional assertiveness and capacity for self-expression. As their social insecurities dissolve, they may feel more comfortable talking to peers or family members. They can then start repairing any damage to relationships they find essential to maintain.

Learn More About Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If you’re looking for a group therapy program in North Carolina, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Call 866.300.5275 or reach out to our team online.