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Common Drug Street Names To Know

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Common Drug Street Names To Know

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Because there are so many street names out there and they do change from one region to the next, most people don’t know all the drug nicknames. Yet, for parents who have teens, knowing what drug slang means is essential. It may provide an opportunity to see what a teen is doing daily and what type of threats may be present. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we provide a range of drug addiction treatment options for teens engaging in this type of use. Call our team today at 866.300.5275 for information about our treatment programs.

The Drug Street Names Parents Should Know

Drug nicknames allow people to talk about highly addictive prescription and illicit drugs so that others do not know what they are talking about, especially parents. However, drug street names don’t just refer to illegal drugs. In fact, many prescription drugs are available illegally online, over social media, and on the streets. As a result, parents should try to recognize as much drug slang as possible, including nicknames for prescribed medications.

Illicit Drug Slang

Illicit drugs are some of the most abused. They are also the hardest to distinguish when it comes to drug slang. Here are some examples:

  • Cocaine: Coke, Rock, Crack, Dust, Snow, Line, Toot, Bernice, Flake, Nose Candy, White, or Sneeze
  • Heroin: Smack, Dope, China White, Junk, Black Tar, Horse, Skag, Brown Sugar, Dragon, Mud, Boy, Thunder, Mexican Brown, and Skunk
  • Marijuana: Weed, Pot, Grass, Trees, Green, Bud, Herb, Mary Jane, Reefer, Ganja, Dope, Hemp, Kush, Chronic, Purple Haze, Sinsemilla, and Skunk
  • Methamphetamine: Meth, Crystal meth, Christy, Crank, Tina, Crissy, Tweak, Ice, Glass, Shards, Whizz, Go, Chalk, Speed
  • K2, K2 Drug, K3 Drug, Spice, Black Mamba, Bombay Blue, Genie, Joker, Kush, Kronic, Zohai, and Solar Flare
  • MDMA: Uppers, Peace, Candy, Scooby Snacks, Dancing Shoes, Happy Pill, Moon Rocks, Clarity, Adam, Eve, Beans, Lover’s Speed, Love Drug, Hug Drug, Hug, Rolls, Molly, XTC, E, and X

Benzo Drug Slang

Benzodiazepines, or benzos, are a type of prescription medication. Doctors often prescribe them as a tool for treating anxiety. Some common terms include:

  • Xannies
  • Benzos
  • Blue Footballs
  • School Bus
  • Yellow Boys

There are drug street names for many other drugs as well, including opioids, hallucinogens, and stimulants. It is critical for parents to stay in the loop on these and other drug nicknames. Doing so ensures that your son’s drug or alcohol use does not take you unawares.

What to Do If Your Teen Needs Treatment

If you’re hearing some of these drug nicknames, it may be unclear what you should do next. Only a parent knows if his or her child is at risk. However, if there is a chance that your teen son is abusing drugs, it is best to find out and find proper treatment. The sooner this happens, the more likely it is to get a child back on track. Our team at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery aims to help by providing a range of therapy programs. That includes therapy such as:

  • Family therapy programs
  • Equine therapy programs
  • Academic support programs
  • Holistic healing solutions
  • Co-occurring issues treatment

Call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery Today

Drug nicknames may not seem important. However, for many, identifying drug slang can save a life. Recognizing these drug street names is essential for families with teens who may be at risk for using and even those who assume their child is safe. Understanding these terms helps to know what teens are talking about in messages and on social media. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we provide a range of treatment programs that can help if a teen is using drugs or alcohol. To learn more, connect with us online now or call 866.300.5275.