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Co-occurring Issues Treatment for Teens Near Emerald Isle

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Co-occurring Issues Treatment for Teens Near Emerald Isle

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Living with one mental health illness or dealing with a substance use disorder is challenging on its own. However, when they happen together, they can devastate a person’s life. In that case, it’s essential to look for a treatment center that handles both issues. If you’re looking for a co-occurring treatment center, you may want to speak with us at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275. We can help you find the right program to help with two or more conditions happening simultaneously.

What Does Co-Occurring Issues Treatment Near Emerald Isle Include?

Co-occurring disorder treatment is a treatment that focuses on treating a substance use disorder as well as another mental health condition. For example, someone may have a problem with abusing alcohol and have an anxiety disorder or eating disorder.

In a program that treats co-occurring disorders, the goal is to help these clients heal from both of these conditions simultaneously. By addressing each one, the hope is that all of the conditions will stay under control in the future.

For instance, if a person has developed depression alongside a substance use disorder, treating the substance use disorder exacerbates the mental health condition symptoms. However, treating the depression can help reduce the likelihood that they will turn back to alcohol or drugs to self-medicate their symptoms.

How Common Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

Co-occurring disorders are more common than you think, which is why teens dealing with these issues shouldn’t be afraid to seek help. Co-occurring issues treatment near Emerald Isle has adolescent care options so that teens can get the help they need.

Self-Medication and Teen Mental Health Issues

These disorders are more commonly found together than you might suspect because a substance use disorder is likely to trigger or be triggered by another disorder. Self-medication is one of the most significant causes of substance use in teens.

A student worried about their grades may take study drugs to try to get ahead and develop even greater anxiety when they’re not available. Conversely, a teen who is dealing with symptoms of depression may drink to cover up their fears and anxieties or just to try to get through their day.

Substance Use Disorders and Mental Health Triggers

It’s also possible that an otherwise healthy teen may use or abuse drugs and alcohol and trigger other conditions. Depression is particularly common among those who drink alcohol, for example. In addition, some types of drug use can affect the way the chemicals in the brain are released or absorbed, which may also trigger other mental health issues.

Which Co-Occurring Disorders Usually Happen Together?

Many kinds of disorders could occur together. More often, it’s typical to see anxiety or depression present alongside substance abuse. Those aren’t the only conditions that could occur together, though. Other combinations seen might include:

If your teen is struggling with any substance use disorder and you believe their mental health may have changed, then seeking treatment is a good move.

Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery Today To Learn More

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we want to help with co-occurring issues treatment that Emerald Isle residents and visitors can trust. Teens are going through many changes in their bodies and minds, and they may turn to drugs or alcohol to cope. If your teen is dealing with a substance use disorder, we can help. Call us today at 866.300.5275 to learn more about our services in North Carolina.