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Cell Phone Addiction Facts and Statistics

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Cell Phone Addiction Facts and Statistics

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Smartphones are a constant tool for modern living. While they can get us where we need to go, tell us the weather, and keep us connected with loved ones, they can also become a distraction. Parents may joke about their teenagers developing smartphone addictions. In reality, smartphone addiction is as real as substance use disorders. For many teens, smartphone addiction is a sign of underlying mental health disorders, unprocessed trauma, and prolonged stress. In addition, without treatment, smartphone addiction can lead to substance abuse and other types of addiction.

If your son or a young man you love is showing signs of smartphone addiction, know they are not alone. Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is here to help. Our holistic clinic helps teen boys recover from smartphone addiction and other processes addictions. Call us today at 866.300.5275 to learn more about the risks and treatments for smartphone addiction at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.

What Is Cell Phone Addiction?

Cell phones, in general, are a vital part of daily life. However, regular use can easily become a process of addiction. A process addiction is a compulsive behavior that negatively affects a person’s overall health. This means that if excessive cell phone use negatively affects someone’s life, they are struggling with process addiction. Today, most process addictions are technology-based because video games, social media, and the internet provide an escape from complicated feelings, stress, and anxiety. They can also make these symptoms worse. In most cases, process addictions are a way of self-soothing, disconnecting, and avoiding reality.

Signs of smartphone addiction include:

  •  Constant use that interferes with daily activities
  • Obsessive social media scrolling during an emotional upset
  • Irrational behavior when their phone is missing, taken away, or lost
  • Anxiety and depression related to smartphone use
  • Obsessing over what someone else has posted online
  • Reading hurtful comments despite negative feelings
  • Insomnia and changes in sleep habits from excessive phone use

Smartphone addiction is increasingly common. At least half of people living with smartphones show some signs of smartphone addiction. At least half of smartphone users cannot go an hour without checking their phone for emails, texts, and social media notifications. While this behavior is common, research shows that these are all signs of process addiction.

Understanding Smartphone Addiction Statistics and Treatment

There are many reasons a teenager or adult turns to their smartphone. Studies show, on average, people unlock their phones 150 times per day. While this may be to respond to loved ones or friends, it’s often out of habit and avoidance. If a teen in your life is turning to their smartphone to avoid difficult feelings, worry, stress, or to compare themselves to others on social media, it’s time to seek treatment.

Like other addictions, quitting smartphones cold turkey will cause withdrawal. It’s always best to wean someone off of their smartphone, limit hours of app access, and have phone-free meals together. An addiction treatment program can help diagnose co-occurring disorders and get to the root cause of excessive smartphone use. While smartphones seem benign, they can lead to substance abuse and self-harming behavior.

Support Your Teen’s Smartphone Addiction with Holistic Treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

Cell phone facts might seem scary, but in reality, an overwhelming percentage of our population relies on their smartphones for escape and self-soothing, which can eventually lead to a process addiction. If your son is struggling, Foothills at Red Oak Recovery can help. Our programs help teen boys recover from process addictions, substance abuse, and disordered eating alongside treatment for co-occurring mood disorders.

With a range of alternative and evidence-based therapies, teens at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery disconnect from their digital lives and reconnect to themselves and the outside world in beautiful North Carolina. Call us at 866.300.5275 today to learn more about smartphone addiction statistics and how to help your teen recover from smartphone addiction.