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Best Teen Disordered Eating Treatment Near Winston-Salem

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Best Teen Disordered Eating Treatment Near Winston-Salem

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Disordered eating is a problem teens often face, especially if they suffer from low-self esteem or body image issues. Finding eating disorder treatment in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, or nearby can be a matter of life and death for parents with troubled teens. 2.7% of American teens who develop disordered eating between ages 13 to 18 have it for life. That’s why finding help for the problem early is key.

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery offers teen eating disorder treatment near Winston-Salem. We are located in Ellenboro, just 40 minutes from the Winston-Salem area. Our treatment center offers a comfortable and welcoming environment in which our patients can feel at home as they recover from their disordered eating. Please feel free to contact us today at 866.300.5275 to learn more about our eating disorder treatment near Winston-Salem and how we can help your teen.

What Is Disordered Eating?

Disordered eating is an umbrella term for abnormal eating behaviors that don’t fit under the category of an eating disorder. Disordered eating may include certain behaviors associated with eating disorders, such as self-induced vomiting or binge eating.

It also involves behaviors not assigned to an eating disorder, though, for example:

  • Chaotic eating patterns
  • Ignoring hunger
  • Abusing diet pills
  • Eating triggered by certain emotions
  • Eating at night
  • Eating odd food combinations like ice cream and pickles

For some people, disordered eating is part of their everyday lives. For others, it can be a sign of a more complex disorder.

Is Disordered Eating the Same Thing as an Eating Disorder?

Disordered eating can be a precursor for an eating disorder like anorexia. Disordered eating is more subtle, though. Normal eating means eating based on hunger signals and stopping when you experience that sense of being full.

Disordered eating is anything else. People who eat when they are bored have disordered eating patterns. The symptoms are similar to mainstream eating disorders, like excessive calorie restrictions, but not as severe.

What Causes Disordered Eating?

There is no one cause of disordered eating. It can develop in people for different reasons. It can be part of the family structure even. Maybe it’s normal for the family to eat late at night or binge eat, even if it’s unhealthy. Adolescents are prone to disordered eating because they struggle with self-esteem issues and don’t always have effective coping mechanisms.

Certain triggers can lead to disordered eating practices, too. For instance, fad diets that are too restrictive can trigger it. Furthermore, negative body talk is a potential precursor for disordered eating.

What Is the Treatment for Disordered Eating?

The treatment for disordered eating is learning to have a healthy relationship with food, one built around nutrition, instead of satisfying an emotional need. Treatment also helps teens better understand their bodies and to see them in a positive light.

Supporting proper eating can be part of another treatment program, like trauma therapy or drug and alcohol rehab. For example, Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is an eating disorder program near Winston-Salem that offers other services, such as family therapy.

Get Care for Your Teen at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If you are looking for eating disorder treatment in Winston-Salem or around the area, Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is one possible choice. We are located in Ellenboro, North Carolina, just about two hours from Winston-Salem.

Services at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery include:

  • Trauma treatment
  • Substance use disorder treatment
  • Family therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Co-occurring issues therapy

Disordered eating can be part of a group of treatable conditions. We are likely to offer services for all of them. Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is more than just a treatment center for adolescent teen boys, though. Our facility sits on a large horse farm, so our clients participate in fun activities such as animal caretaking and horseback riding. We also teach them to garden and enjoy nature. At the same time, they go to school on our campus and participate in individual and group therapy.

If you suspect your teen has disordered eating, we can help. Call866.300.5275 or fill out our contact form to learn more about our teen rehab center.

  1. National Institute of Health -Eating Disorders