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Benefits Of Trauma Treatment For Adolescent Boys

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Benefits Of Trauma Treatment For Adolescent Boys

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Trauma occurs when something violent or dangerous happens that overwhelms a teen’s ability to cope. Teen boys tend to hold these feelings inside. They internalize the trauma, so it manifests in other ways, such as through drug use or alcohol. Trauma treatment for adolescent boys can help them find a healthier way of managing their emotions. To learn more about this treatment option, please contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today at 866.300.5275.

What Qualifies as Trauma?

Trauma can be different for each person. It can even differ for one person in different stages of life. One common traumatic experience is abuse or neglect. It may be physical, sexual, or emotional.

Trauma can also be a one-time event. For some, being in a car accident is very traumatic. Teen trauma can be strictly emotional, such as breaking up with someone you love or having your parents divorce. From illness to a scary situation, anything that causes traumatic stress would qualify.

What Is Traumatic Stress?

Traumatic stress can also be different for each person. Some symptoms of traumatic stress would include:

  • Feeling of terror
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Emotions such as sadness or hopelessness
  • Feelings of guilt or shame
  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Panic attacks
  • Flashbacks
  • Trouble sleeping.

Some people who experience trauma never feel stress about it, while others seem to have PTSD over seemingly small occurrences.

Is Trauma Different for Boys?

The way the genders react to things can be different. Boys tend to internalize things. The only way to externalize it is through some kind of abuse to themselves or others. For instance, boys may do drugs or drink alcohol to manage their stress. These things may make them feel better.

Boys and girls deal with the pain of trauma differently, too. Boys look to fill a void caused by the traumatic event. They may do that with games, sex, or drugs. Girls often turn those feeling on themselves with toxic relationships, eating disorders, or self-harm.

Symptoms of Teen Trauma in Boys

Although each person experiences traumatic stress differently, there are some specific symptoms parents may notice. For instance, they may experience fear or panic in a similar event or one that is close enough to remind the teen of what happened. A boy who loses a parent may become attached to the other one, to the point that every time that parent leaves, he feels fear. A teen boy who was bit by a dog may start to fear all dogs.

Anger is a common symptom of trauma in boys. They turn all the anger and aggression outward towards others.

Process addictions might indicate trauma, as well. Things like obsessive social media use, gaming or texting are an example of process addictions.

Behavioral issues may be another sign of trauma. A teen boy may start fights at school or home. His grades may drop, or he may start hiding in his bedroom or disappearing for long periods. He may refuse to get out of bed each day.

What Is Trauma Treatment?

Male trauma may require treatment that includes talk therapy, behavioral modification, and holistic approaches to healing, such as art therapy. The goal is to help him cope with the effects of the trauma and move on from it. At the same time, it is necessary to deal with any bad habits resulting from the trauma like drug use or alcohol.

Seek Treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we understand trauma is a complex issue. We offer a variety of services for adolescent boys dealing with trauma, such as:

  • Equine therapy
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Holistic healing
  • Family therapy
  • Substance abuse treatment

Treatment is the best option for a boy experiencing teen trauma. Give us a call at 866.300.5275 or fill out our contact form to learn more about Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.