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5 Ways to Recognize Mental Health Issues In Your Son

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

5 Ways to Recognize Mental Health Issues In Your Son

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Discovering early signs of mental illness in your son enables you to quickly get him into an effective treatment program. Seek help at a facility such as Foothills at Red Oak Recovery in North Carolina, which offers therapy for teen mental health issues. Early intervention for mental health disorders can prevent co-occurring disorders such as substance abuse. If you suspect that someone you love is struggling with mental health, please reach out to Foothills at Red Oak today at 866.300.5275.

When Anxieties Signal Mental Health Issues

The adolescent and teen years typically come with fears and anxieties. Some children are more dramatic than others, and parents may wonder when to worry about concerns that indicate mental health issues. If your son’s fears affect his ability to attend school or social events, it may be time to seek professional help.

The symptoms of an anxiety disorder include the following:

  • Social anxiety
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Constant worry about homework, being late for school, and other daily events

If anxiety gets in the way of your son’s happiness, it might be time to consider therapy. This is especially true if you suspect your child may use drugs or alcohol to deal with his anxiety. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we offer programs that address co-occurring issues so our clients can receive all the help they need.

Noticeable Physical Changes

Adolescents and teenagers often change their looks. They may ask for a new hairstyle or choose different clothes to express their individuality. Parents don’t always approve of these choices but recognize them as a normal part of the teen experience. However, there are physical changes that may indicate your child has underlying mental health issues.

Here are signs that may indicate clinical depression or other mental health disorders:

  • Infrequent bathing
  • Wearing the same clothes for days
  • Weight loss and baggy clothes used to cover eating disorders
  • Long sleeves even in warm weather to hide drug use
  • Signs of self-harm such as cutting

If talking to your teenage or adolescent son doesn’t result in a behavioral change, he might have something deeper going on. Our clinician-run facility offers psychological testing to get to the bottom of your son’s mental health issues.

Poor Performance or Lack of Interest

If your son typically does well academically but suddenly starts bringing home low grades, this could be a sign of mental health issues. Lack of interest in hobbies, sports, and other activities may also indicate fragile teen mental health. So, how do you know when this behavior represents a shift in focus and when it’s time to seek help?

Sometimes, these changes come about quickly. If your child loves baseball but suddenly loses interest in the game, you may want to dig deeper by scheduling an appointment with a licensed therapist. When it comes to school, kids often get distracted by other activities, dating, and outside interests. However, if your child was an academic star and suddenly needs help with basic assignments, he may have something weighing on his mind.

Extreme Mood Swings

Adolescents and teens often exhibit moody behavior. Typically, parents chalk this up to growing pains and give their child room to express himself. However, extreme actions that result in violence or self-harm requires immediate attention.

At Foothills of Red Oak Recovery, our caring staff of counselors and medical professionals has experience dealing with bipolar disorder and other teen mental health challenges.

Extreme behavior that requires immediate intervention includes the following:

  • Trouble with the law
  • Reckless driving
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Anger issues
  • Promiscuity
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent crying and suicidal ideation
  • Excessive sleeping
  • Social isolation

Of course, exhibiting these symptoms doesn’t always mean your son has mental health issues. The more symptoms your son shows, the greater the chances that he needs professional help for mental health disorders.

Difficulty Socializing

If your son is shy, he may have a hard time making friends. However, a sudden shift from a friendly, open personality to sullen moodiness could indicate a mental health issue.

Here are some signs that your son has trouble socializing:

  • Blowing off friends
  • Bizarre behavior
  • Social ostracism
  • Starting drama
  • Stealing

Teen Mental Health Counseling in North Carolina

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we offer inpatient treatment for teens and adolescents who need help overcoming addiction and mental health disorders. Contact us at 866.300.5275, or contact us online today to find out how to give your son the opportunity for a brighter future.