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5 Ways to Stop a Gaming Addiction

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

5 Ways to Stop a Gaming Addiction

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Gaming addiction is real, and many teens struggle to limit the amount of time playing video games. In some cases, gaming becomes the focus of a person’s life, negatively affecting their physical and mental health as well as their social lives. If you’re wondering how to quit, gaming addiction treatment may be the answer. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® for more information about how to quit a gaming addiction at 866.300.5275.

Understanding Process Addiction

Gaming addiction falls under the category of process addiction, which is also called behavioral addiction. Process addictions involve the impulse to participate in specific behavior despite adverse consequences. Gambling, shopping, and food addictions fall under the umbrella of process addictions.

Warning signs of gaming addiction include:

  • Neglecting friends or other interests and hobbies
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Being unable to stick to time limits on gaming
  • Becoming anxious, angry, or irritable when unable to play games
  • Changes in appetite or sleep patterns related to gaming
  • Emotional outbursts if games are prohibited or limited
  • Declining school performance or other responsibilities

As with other types of addiction, withdrawal from video game addiction can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as anger, depression, and loneliness. That’s why it’s crucial to have a plan in place when you’re considering how to quit a gaming addiction.

How to Quit a Gaming Addiction

If you or your teen is ready to address a gaming problem, the five steps below may help them learn how to quit a gaming addiction.

1. Set a Strict Time Limit for Daily Play

Experts on children’s health agree that school-aged children should not spend more than two hours each day in front of any screen. Between television, cell phones, homework, and gaming, time can add up quickly. If you’re worried about how much time you or your child spends gaming, start by limiting play to no more than 30 minutes each day.

Set the alarm or ask a friend to send you a text to remind you it’s time to do something else. Engaging in physical activities can be a great way to balance screen time and promote overall well-being. Additionally, encouraging hobbies like reading or creative arts can provide enriching alternatives to screen-based entertainment.

2. Remove Gaming Devices from Bedroom

Having gaming devices in the bedroom makes it too easy to play whenever you feel like it. In addition, playing before bedtime can result in poor-quality sleep. Keeping the bedroom screen-free will help you control your gaming time and help ensure you feel rested and energized in the morning.

This practice can also improve your overall mental and physical health by encouraging better sleep habits. Moreover, creating a dedicated gaming area outside the bedroom can enhance your gaming experience and help you maintain a balanced lifestyle.

3. Ask Friends and Family for Help

Let your friends and family in your life know you’re concerned about developing a gaming addiction and are trying to cut back. If that seems too personal, just let people know you’re interested in doing more social activities. Set up a time to hang out with friends, go for hikes or bike rides, or attend school events.

It’s important to communicate your intentions so they can support you in your efforts. Additionally, exploring new hobbies or joining clubs can provide alternative ways to spend your time and meet new people.

4. Try Other Stress-Relieving Activities

Gaming relieves stress for many people. Developing other coping strategies will make it easier to limit game time. Learn how to meditate or do yoga. Try working out or go for a challenging hike. Creative expression is also a stress-buster.

Draw, paint, write, play music or enjoy any other screen-free hobby. Engaging in these activities can provide a much-needed mental break from the digital world. Additionally, they can help build resilience and improve overall mental health.

5. Seek Gaming Addiction Treatment

If you’ve tried the above suggestions and still find it difficult to control your behavior, you may need help from trained mental health professionals. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®, we tailor our services to the needs of boys struggling with gaming addiction. Treatments at our center include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Adventure therapy
  • Equine-assisted therapy
  • Wilderness therapy

Getting help for gaming addiction as soon as possible can prevent it from taking over your or your teen’s life. If you notice any of the warning signs in your child, don’t hesitate to seek help.

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® Understands Gaming Addiction

Children with gaming addiction may be at higher risk of developing other mental and physical health disorders. Use our online contact form or call us today at 866.300.5275 to learn more about how to quit gaming.