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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Two teen males in rational emotive behavior therapyRational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is just one of the evidence-based teen therapy services offered at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®. It’s a therapeutic modality that helps teenage boys identify unhealthy thoughts and behaviors and shift to making more rational and healthy decisions for themselves.

Teens struggling with addiction, depression, anxiety, and a host of other mental health conditions may find help through REBT. Therapy methods like this can be the difference in a successful recovery. To get your teen started today, call our team of mental health experts by calling 828.519.5047.

What Is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy?

REBT is a time-tested approach for helping people overcome many common mental health challenges.

The core philosophy of REBT is that a number of people’s most common challenges stem from irrational beliefs and that by helping people identify and challenge these beliefs, they can experience lasting mental health improvements.

Essentially, working with an REBT therapist teaches you to respond to your situations more rationally rather than being driven by emotions or impulses. In this way, people can conquer their challenges and experience dramatic symptom relief.

The ABCs of Rational Emotive Therapy

One of the most critical components of rational emotive therapy is the ABC model. This simple model helps teenage boys understand how external events, internal beliefs, and emotional responses all influence one another and provides a structure for helping teens resolve challenges in a healthier and more productive way.

The ABCs stand for:

  • A – Activating events
  • B – Beliefs
  • C – Consequences

This simple model helps explain how and why people often fall into patterns of irrational thoughts and behaviors. For example, a teen might do poorly on a test in school, believe they’re incapable of success, and, as a result, start showing signs of depression or turn to drugs or alcohol to cope.

The test is an activating event. Doubting their ability to succeed is the belief. Turning to substance use or feeling symptoms of depression is the consequence.

Working with an REBT therapist can help teens approach and understand these situations in a different light. The more rational belief might be that doing poorly on a test isn’t an indication of their intelligence or ability to succeed but that a single test doesn’t define who they are as a person.

They can then change the consequence to make more time to study or meet with a teacher or parent for support.

How REBT Supports Teens’ Recovery

REBT can help with a number of challenges for teenage boys with substance use challenges. Not only can working with a REBT therapist help your teen overcome cravings and other symptoms of substance use disorders directly, but this form of therapy can help with common co-occurring challenges, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Motivation
  • Self-esteem and confidence

Recovery from a substance use disorder is a holistic process. By focusing on several common difficulties teens can experience, they can experience greater overall well-being, less stress, and more confidence in successfully overcoming the challenges of being a teenager.

Get Your Teen Help Today at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®, our comprehensive addiction treatment programs incorporate many therapies, one of which is REBT. Therapy can be incredibly valuable for teens struggling with patterns of thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors holding them back, but REBT is, by no means, the only way to help a teenage boy achieve recovery.

To get started with adolescent substance use treatment with Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®, contact our team of mental health experts by calling 828.519.5047 or using our online contact form. From the moment you call to the day your teenager graduates and beyond, we’ll be there to support your family throughout the entire recovery process.