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Animal-Assisted Therapy

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Foothills at Red Oak.

A teenaged male in animal-assisted therapyAnimal therapy for mental health plays an important role in the adolescent therapy programs at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®. By participating in animal-assisted therapy, teenage boys can develop essential skills to help them cope with stress, anxiety, depression, substance use, and a number of other challenges.

To learn more about the animal-assisted therapy programs at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® and how they fit into our comprehensive model of adolescent treatment, call our team at 828.519.5047 for more information.

What Is Animal-Assisted Therapy?

Animal-assisted therapy is a style of treatment that can help teens navigate the therapeutic process in a unique way. Several types of animals can be part of animal therapy for mental health, such as:

  • Horses
  • Dogs
  • Birds
  • Cats

During animal-assisted therapy, teens and a therapist work with these animals directly while developing important skills that can help in nearly every aspect of life.

An animal therapist typically provides a task for the adolescent to accomplish with an animal, coaches the teen through the difficult parts of the task, and teaches skills that can support emotional regulation and mental well-being.

How Animal-Assisted Therapy Programs Support Recovery

Animal therapy can quickly become the catalyst for behavior changes that have long-lasting results. Working with an animal has several unique benefits, and the skills learned in therapy can translate to real-world applications.

For example, equine therapy presents several unique challenges and benefits to support your teen’s mental health:

  • Horses are large, powerful animals that require a substantial degree of respect
  • Horses provide nonverbal cues as to how they are feeling
  • Horses typically don’t respond well to bullying or brute force and respond better to compassion and empathy
  • Horses can sense the emotional state of teens and respond better to calm, confident energy

Even a simple task, such as leading a horse around a set of obstacles, requires teens to put problem-solving skills to work.

Attempting to drag the horse won’t be effective. Horses weigh, on average, half a ton. A horse may not want to obey someone they just met; your teen may need to build a relationship with the horse first. Different horses respond to different techniques. Your teen may need to learn whether the horse responds to praise, affection, or confidence.

All of these are valuable social skills that a teenage boy can directly apply to his own complex life. An animal therapist facilitates this process, helps your teen understand how to work with the animal better, and shows how these lessons can be applied to everyday life.

Using Animal-Assisted Therapy as Part of a Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Animal-assisted therapy is just one component of a comprehensive treatment plan. Teenage boys who go to Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® receive a comprehensive suite of mental health services, including individual therapy, peer-to-peer support, medication management, and holistic treatment options.

With the benefit of multiple treatments, your teen can approach the challenge of overcoming their mental health symptoms from every possible angle and have the best chance of recovery.

Start Animal-Assisted Therapy With Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®

When your teenage boy is struggling with mental health challenges, substance use, or addictive behaviors, finding effective treatment options now is critical to their long-term recovery and success. Left untreated, these challenges can develop into lasting conditions that affect them well into adulthood.

But teenagers are resilient, and they can recover. An evidence-based treatment program can give them the tools they need to break free from addiction, start their new life in sobriety, and conquer their mental health challenges. Call 828.519.5047 or use our online contact form to get started with treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® today.