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Why Do Teens Drink?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Why Do Teens Drink?

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Buying alcohol is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 in the United States of America. However, this law doesn’t stop teens from getting alcohol. With that said, why do teens drink in the first place? Answering this question might shed a little light on the struggles that teens face on a regular basis. With this information, you can work to find the ideal alcohol abuse treatment center for your loved one.

Why Do Teens Drink?

Knowing why do teens drink is important for dealing with alcohol use disorder. In some cases, teens don’t even know why they drink. For that reason, an adolescent treatment center NC provides will focus on this core question. Answering it can help teens and their families.

Seeing Family and Friends Drink

Watching others drink is one of the most common elements that lead teens to need an alcohol abuse treatment center. When they see their friends and family members drink, they want to do the same. This reason applies to not only drinking alcohol, but also smoking cigarettes or using other drugs.

Abusing alcohol in front of a teen is never a good idea. In the end, it may make them want to try alcohol as well. Then, they start to believe that abusing alcohol is normal. In addition, they start to work drinking into their daily routine.

Watching It on Television

Celebrities are often major role models for teens. When teens see them abuse alcohol on TV, it sparks their interest in drugs. Many celebrities make drinking and partying all of the time look fun. However, this way of thinking has a bad influence on young adults.

On the topic of TV, it’s worth pointing out that many commercials glorify drinking. They show people at parties dancing and having fun while they sip on alcoholic beverages. This often makes teens feel like they need to drink in order to have that kind of lifestyle. Because of that, these commercials are bad for young minds.

Escaping Their Own Lives

Why do teens drink? Some of them do it in order to escape and cope with things that may be difficult for them. Because of that, they turn to alcohol to escape from their troubles. They simply don’t know how else to deal with it.

Let Us Keep Your Teen on the Right Path

Does your teen need alcohol abuse or mental health treatment? If so, consider reaching out to Foothills at Red Oak Recovery to see how we can help. We offer drug and alcohol addiction treatment for adolescents. A few of the services that we provide include:

  • Continued education
  • Psychological testing
  • Process addiction treatment
  • Group therapy
  • Family counseling
  • Disordered eating treatment

Don’t let alcohol ruin your teen’s life. Get answers about why do teens drink. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275 to set the wheels of recovery into motion.