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What Is Trauma-Informed Care?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What Is Trauma-Informed Care?

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Adults aren’t the only ones who struggle with substance use disorder. In fact, a growing number of adolescents turn to drugs every day. Although there are many reasons why this occurs, the most common is trauma. Because of that, trauma-informed care is very important for adolescents participating in mental health treatment.

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we know trauma-informed care is an integral part of the recovery process. For that reason, we have designed our treatment program for teens who are battling trauma, mental health concerns, or addiction. Your child isn’t alone in their fight. If you’re looking for trauma treatment for teens, we can help you. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery today at 866.300.5275 or use our convenient online form for more information.

What Is Trauma-Informed Care?

It’s essential to understand that trauma plays a huge role in the development of drug abuse. In fact, it’s the basis behind trauma-informed care. This treatment method was developed by experts who understand trauma and how it leads to mental health disorders. They also understand that, for true healing to occur, people have to deal with the trauma that they experienced.

Trauma refers to a person’s emotional response to a shocking experience, such as:

  • A natural disaster
  • Being in a war zone
  • Witnessing or being in an accident
  • Being the victim of an attack
  • Experiencing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse

Immediately after this event, the individual may experience shock or denial. They may also have to endure specific physical symptoms, such as nausea or headaches, as time goes on. They may also struggle with flashbacks or unpredictable emotions, leading to strained relationships with their loved ones.

Is Trauma Really a Big Deal for Adolescents?

Yes, trauma affects teenagers in a major way. In fact, studies suggest that it has a bigger impact on teens than adults. Most experts believe that the reason is that their brains are still in development. As a result, teens haven’t developed the coping skills that they need to prevent mental damage from trauma.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that adolescents face staggering levels of trauma. As a matter of fact, one out of every four teens experiences some kind of traumatic event. It may even be emotional, sexual, or physical abuse.

Also, teens who experienced abuse as they grew up are more likely to abuse their own children. Because of that, it’s a never-ending cycle that leads generations of kids toward substance abuse. When people view it in this light, it’s easy to see the importance of a trauma treatment center.

Unfortunately, sexual abuse is one of the most common types of trauma that teens experience. The CDC says that one out of every five women is the victim of rape at some point in their lives. By comparison, only one out of 71 men are victims of the same crime.

However, the most shocking fact is that 30 percent of men who experience rape are younger than 10. In contrast, 12 percent of women who experience rape are the same age.

What’s the Relationship Between Trauma and Drug Abuse?

It’s pretty clear that there’s a link between trauma and drug abuse. However, why do people who struggle with trauma turn to drugs? The CDC explains that they’re desperate to cover up the pain.

In most cases, the drugs provide short-term relief from the desperation that the trauma causes. Unfortunately, they struggle with the trauma again once the drugs wear off. As a result, they keep abusing drugs.

The real solution to their problems is trauma-informed care. When they receive professional help, they’re less likely to abuse drugs than those who don’t. Their risk of developing other mental disorders decreases as well.

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery Can Help You

Are you an adolescent who struggles with drug abuse? Do you know someone else who does? If so, Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is an adolescent treatment center NC offers that specializes in helping teens. In fact, we offer a wide range of drug abuse recovery programs and services, including:

  • Group therapy
  • Continued education
  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Trauma treatment
  • Psychological testing

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we understand the importance of trauma-informed care. We want to help you process trauma safely and healthily. Focusing on trauma helps you recover from drug abuse faster.

Don’t settle for a rehab center that doesn’t offer trauma-informed care. Get to the bottom of the trauma that caused your drug abuse problem. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275 for more information about our teen drug rehab program.