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What Is Smiling Depression?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

What Is Smiling Depression?

A teen male exhibiting smiling depression

Most people assume that depression is easy to recognize, but it can often be a subtle condition—especially when dealing with teenagers. If you’ve noticed that something’s not quite right with your adolescent son and you think he might be hiding behind a smile, a program that offers depression treatment for teens can be the answer.

But what is smiling depression, and how can you spot it? At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®, we can help you understand what to look for and the best options to help your son. We offer treatment programs for teenage boys who are battling substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Learn more about our depression treatment programs by calling us today at 828.519.5047.

What Is Smiling Depression?

Hidden depression, also known as “smiling depression,” refers to clinical depression with atypical features. This type of mental health concern doesn’t present with classic signs, like low mood, making it much more difficult to spot.

Teenage boys with smiling depression may appear to be happy on the outside. They will likely not display the usual distress associated with mental illness, but internally, they can be dealing with a severe mood disorder.

Even if your child is hiding behind a smile, they will still experience depressive symptoms, including:

  • Difficulty enjoying everyday activities
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in sleeping patterns
  • Changes in appetite
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Thoughts of self-harm

Those who experience hidden depression will go on with their daily lives, pretending that everything is fine. Because teenage boys with smiling depression are very good at hiding what they’re going through, it can be very difficult to notice there’s a problem. With this form of atypical depression, you want to watch for:

  • Complaints of headaches or body aches
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Significant changes in weight
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Substance misuse
  • Extreme reactions to criticism or rejection

In some instances, your son himself may not even know he has depression and needs help.

Why Teenage Boys Hide Behind a Smile

It’s not uncommon for adolescent boys to struggle with expressing themselves. Even if they have a strong support system, they may not know how to approach a conversation about what they’re going through.

There may be social barriers, especially in cultures that value willpower and self-reliance, or it may come down to individual personalities that struggle with speaking about their feelings. It’s a particular concern with teenage boys, who are more likely to be conditioned to be less open about their emotions.

Often, teenage boys who have hidden depression are perfectionists who are afraid of failure and embarrassment. They may not want to disappoint others’ expectations and so will keep their struggles to themselves. They might think that all they need to do is toughen up or get over what they’re feeling.

Adolescent boys with depression might feel guilty about not feeling well when they live in a supportive family that provides everything they need. That could prompt them to hide their struggles.

No matter what has led your son to hide their depression, it’s important to get them the assistance they deserve.

Enroll in Depression Treatment for Teens at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery®

Seeing your child struggle with mental health concerns and substance use disorders is devastating. It can be tough to know what steps to take to help them heal if they’re hiding the fact that they have depression. The right option is to get them professional assistance at a recovery center.

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® provides a residential treatment program that caters exclusively to teenage boys battling substance misuse and mental health concerns. Our team has years of experience offering the guidance that adolescents need. Contact us at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® by calling 828.519.5047. You can also reach us using our convenient online contact form.