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What Causes Mood Disorders Amongst Adolescent Boys?

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What Causes Mood Disorders Amongst Adolescent Boys?

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Teenage attitudes have something of a reputation. Most parents have their fair share of challenges when it comes to parenting a teen. But sometimes, teen behaviors go far beyond typical teen angst. Understanding what a mood disorder is and what causes one can help parents know when a teen needs a mood disorder treatment program.

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery helps teenage boys overcome behavioral and mental health challenges. Our teen mood disorder treatment program can help you and your teen learn how to navigate a mood disorder diagnosis.

Call 866.300.5275 today to learn more about getting help for a teen mood disorder at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.

What Are Mood Disorders?

Mood disorders are a broad category of conditions related to how a person processes or experiences thoughts and feelings, and subsequent reactions.

Several different mental health conditions fall under the mood disorder umbrella. Two common mood disorders seen in teens are major depression and bipolar disorder, according to American Psychiatric Association Publishing.

Mood disorders require professional evaluation and treatment. Failing to seek professional help makes it much harder to manage the symptoms of a mood disorder, which often take a heavy toll on areas of a teen’s life like relationships, academics, and self-esteem.

Teen Mood Disorder Causes

Receiving the news that your teen has been diagnosed with a mood disorder can bring a wide range of emotions. Parents often feel relief at finding an explanation and help for their child’s behavior, but that relief is often mingled with a sense of confusion and sometimes even guilt.

One of the first questions parents usually ask after a diagnosis is why did a mood disorder develop? Mood disorder causes are linked to a combination of factors and can be related to genetics and environmental factors.

Primarily, a mood disorder is related to a teen’s brain chemistry. The term “chemical imbalance” is often used to explain the reason for the thoughts, feelings, and actions of a teen with a mood disorder.

Ultimately, a mood disorder diagnosis is a valuable piece of information. It helps parents and healthcare providers understand how a teen’s brain works so that they can receive the support they need to navigate their internal experiences and work toward stability and wellness.

Signs of a Teen Mood Disorder

The symptoms of mood disorders often show up differently in children and teens than in adults. Common signs that can indicate a teen mood disorder include:

  • Depression, apathy, hopelessness, or despair
  • Aggression, violence, or excessive or irrational anger
  • Emotional outbursts or hypersensitivity
  • Moodiness or irritability
  • Sudden changes in an emotional state
  • Comments about death, suicide, or self-harm
  • Signs of self-harm, like unexplained cuts, burns, or bruises
  • Difficulty building or maintaining relationships
  • Challenges in school
  • Physical complaints like headaches, stomachaches, or muscle pains

The signs of a mood disorder can depend on the specific type of mood disorder and might also be affected by a teen’s natural temperament. A shy or introverted teen may show different signs than one who is extroverted or outgoing.

Teen Mood Disorder Treatment at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If your teenage boy is showing signs of a mood disorder, a teen mood disorder treatment program can help. Teens who don’t get treatment for mental health concerns like a mood disorder are left to struggle with their symptoms without support.

Mood disorders mean that a teen has certain challenges to navigate. Foothills at Red Oak Recovery offers the resources that can help set a teen up for long-term success.

You can learn more about getting help for your adolescent boy by contacting us at 866.300.5275 and asking about the mood disorder treatment program at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery.