Adolescents go through a lot of changes and experimentation during their teenage years. During this time, they focus on finding their identity while dealing with hormonal changes, stress from school, and countless other challenges. Mental health treatment for teens is crucial to ensuring that adolescents have the support and resources they need to manage these stressful years in healthy ways.
It’s essential for parents, caregivers, teachers, and peers to recognize when a teen needs mental health treatment. If you or someone you know needs the support of a comprehensive teen mental health treatment center near Tennessee, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery in nearby Ellenboro, NC, by calling 866.300.5275.
Why Anxiety and Depression Treatment near Tennessee Is so Vital
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 50% of all mental illnesses develop by the age of 14, and 75% of them develop by the time a person is 24 years old. The best way to help a teenage boy struggling to cope with life struggles is to assist them in finding professional help.
It can be a challenge to recognize the differences between an adolescent who is simply going through the stress of puberty and one who needs mental health treatment. This is because typical teenage changes and mental health concerns can display the same symptoms to varying degrees.
Unfortunately, Tennessee surpasses the national average percentage of children and teens dealing with mental health diagnoses by 4%, according to the Tennessee Department of Education. The following changes can be signs that a teenage boy you know may need anxiety or depression treatment near Tennessee:
- They engage in substance use
- They begin having problems in school
- They significantly withdraw from people and activities they used to enjoy
- They engage in reckless, dangerous behavior
- They display heightened and frequent irritability and aggression
These are just some of the red flags that can suggest a need for mental health treatment for teens. Keep in mind that symptoms and signs are displayed differently for different people.
The Link Between Mental Health and Substance Use
Teen mental health concerns can co-exist with substance use disorders. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns can lead to drug and alcohol use or develop because of substance use.
For a teenager to successfully reach and maintain recovery, concurrent intervention for both conditions is needed; mental health treatment for teens and substance use treatment is essential.
Common mental health concerns that can accompany substance use include:
- Bipolar disorder
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicidal thoughts or attempts
- Eating disorders
- Process addictions
- Self-harm
Adolescents with these or other mental health concerns may use substances to cope. Even if their substance use is sporadic or irregular, it can quickly spiral out of control without treatment.
The Need for Holistic Mental Health Treatment
Holistic healing is a term that describes treatment plans that focus on healing the whole person, not just one aspect of them. For example, non-holistic treatment for mental health might be group therapy that only addresses ways to lessen a person’s anxiety. It does not treat what the root cause of that anxiety may be.
On the other hand, holistic treatment doesn’t just focus on treating the symptoms. Instead, it works to heal a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual parts to deliver complete healing and recovery. It treats the symptoms as well as the root causes.
Teen Mental Health Treatment near Tennessee at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery
Holistic healing promotes wellness and creates opportunities for long-term recovery. We focus on holistic healing as the main component of our health and co-occurring disorder treatment services.
Our treatment center isn’t far from Tennessee. We are located in Ellenboro, NC, just 80 miles from Clearing Ridge, TN. If you are a teenage boy who needs help with mental health concerns with or without co-occurring substance use, or if you know a teenage boy who needs help, call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275 or contact us online.