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Overcoming The Rigors Of School And Stress

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Overcoming The Rigors Of School And Stress

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Though your student may be struggling with school and stress, their academic progress is extremely important. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we focus on education. The educational opportunities here are what you see at a regular institution of learning.

Missing school compounds what your teen is going through. Your teen shouldn’t suffer through school and stress as a result of a mental health crisis, or any other traumatic event. Recovery includes getting back what was lost. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we endeavor to maintain continuity of education. In this manner, your adolescent will not lose educational opportunities due to their crisis, trauma, or condition.

School and Stress Fueling Mental Illness

School and stress come together when your adolescent experiences things such as bullying, the pressure to succeed academically, the pressure to socialize, and conflictual pressures from home and school.  These factors may be heightened by a mental health issue, behavioral disorder, a traumatic event or a substance abuse issue. No doubt school and stress make these issues worse.

At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we want to turn it around. Our educational experience will support your teen’s presenting issue. We also look at the impact of school and stress.

If your teen is suffering from a mental illness such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, academic pressure can build and your teen may find themselves choosing between doing well in school and doing well mentally. The treatment staff at Foothills is dedicated to assisting your child to achieve at both. Our 14 to 17-year-old adolescent program is designed to foster health and wellness in every aspect of your adolescent’s life.

Coming into treatment hear your child has the option of attending school on-site with trained educators or online. Whatever option is chosen, be assured that you, your adolescent, as well as our treatment staff, make the best decision. Our personalized care and attention is crafted for the individual situation.

For example, if your child is trying a new psychotropic medication for a mental illness, we may opt to have them take online courses while in treatment. Once they have adjusted, they can go right back into our on-site setting. The entire treatment module is designed for teens in crisis.

Adolescents Deserve An Education Despite The Trauma 

The continuation of education while receiving treatment brings a sense of normalcy to your child’s life. Adjusting to living outside Foothills at Red Oak Recovery Center is fostered by continued education. However, contingencies are made for the therapeutic process, along with group treatment and the like. Recovery is re-integration while the issue is being addressed. Leaving school out of the equation changes an adolescent’s landscape. Readjustment is much more difficult when it is time to return home.

Foothills Of Red Oak Recovery

Because of the professional, caring staff that constitutes our makeup, Foothills At Red Oak Recovery can boast of its dual-pronged focus. This focus includes recovery and education. Your child gets an opportunity to deal with many stressors that may have been a hindrance to their home schools. What’s better than discussing bullying in a therapeutic setting with qualified clinicians along with peers that may have been on either side of the equation? Your child picks up resilience and fortitude at our facility.

When they return home they are strong and confident. Everyone faces challenges in life, your adolescent has the courage to face them and strive to overcome.

Here are some programming choices at our Ellenboro, NC location:

  • Equine therapy program
  • Smartphone/cellphone addiction treatment
  • Disordered eating treatment
  • Trauma treatment program
  • Co-occurring disorders treatment

Let’s get to work. Learning is an integral part of life. Your adolescent will learn while recovering at our facility. Call us today at 866.300.5275.