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Realistic Social Media Addiction Solutions

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Realistic Social Media Addiction Solutions

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These days, teenagers are among the biggest consumers of social media, but is spending so much time and effort on social media healthy for them? Teen social media addiction is currently a huge issue. Studies have shown some troubling links between social media use and mental health challenges.

If you’re looking for social media addiction solutions, such as a process addiction treatment program, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online.

What Are the Signs of Teen Social Media Addiction?

Whether or not a teen is dealing with a mental health issue, too much time spent on social media can harm their still-developing teenage brain. Teen social media use can rewire the teen brain to seek out immediate gratification constantly. Subsequently, it can lead to other addictive behaviors.

How can parents recognize social media addiction in their teens? Here’s are some signs to watch out for:

  • Lying about how much time they spend online
  • Spending increasing amounts of time online
  • Talking about or thinking of being online, during moments when they’re not online
  • Having trouble cutting back on social media time when you limit their use
  • Showing signs of depression or anxiety after being online

Teen social media use can turn into a problem, whether it leads to distress and depression or social functioning problems in a teen’s future. If you notice social media addiction in your teen, you should get involved and help them deal with the issue.

What Are Some Realistic Social Media Addiction Solutions?

Research shows that teen social media use can increase teen anxiety, distress, and depression. Teenagers who already feel unhappy and isolated are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of social media addiction. Unfortunately, they often use online experiences to escape reality or connect with other people. However, the constant overstimulation of social media can activate the fight-or-flight mode of their nervous system. Disorders such as ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder may also get worse.

You can turn to several social media addiction solutions if you find out that your teen has been negatively impacted by social media, including:

  • Keep tabs on your teen’s social media accounts. Help younger teens set up their accounts and install all privacy restrictions. Find out which social media sites older teens are on and talk about what to post and what not to post. Create ground rules.
  • Take time to learn about social media. You may use the same social networks your teens are on to educate yourself.
  • Talk openly with your teen about social media and their feelings associated with it.
  • It’s best to create rules about screen-free zones, such as the dinner table and bedrooms, and make sure everyone in your home abides by them.
  • Be a good role model and show your teen that it’s essential to unplug regularly and to find enjoyable offline activities.

If your teen has a severe social media addiction, you may need to consider getting them admitted into a process addiction treatment program.

What Is Process Addiction Treatment?

Teen social media addiction is an example of a process addiction, also known as a behavioral addiction. A process or behavioral addiction is characterized by a strong impulse to do something all the time. A person with a process addiction does this behavior even when it has harmful consequences to their emotional, social, mental, or physical well-being.

Process addictions do not involve using drugs or alcohol. Instead, the behaviors provide an emotional high or natural reward. As with any addictive behaviors, people with process addiction require often require comprehensive treatment administered by professionals. Additionally, compulsive behaviors may result from co-occurring mental disorders, complicate and worsen the process of addiction. In situations like this, especially, professional help in the form of a process addiction treatment program is typically the best way forward.

Learn More About Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If your teen’s social media use is causing problems and you’re looking for social media addiction solutions, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online. Ask about our process addiction treatment program.