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Is My Teen’s Messy Room a Sign of Depression?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Foothills at Red Oak.

Is My Teen’s Messy Room a Sign of Depression?

A teen wonders, "Is depression signified by a messy room?"

Teenagers and messy rooms often go hand in hand. While some teens like to keep things neat, it’s not unusual for a young person to fall short on cleaning day. Is a chronically messy room a sign of depression? It’s possible. If you’re concerned about your teen’s mental health, depression treatment for teens may be appropriate.

When a teen is showing other signs of depression, a messy room could be an additional concern. However, help is available from professionals who know how to treat adolescent boys specifically. To learn more about depression in teenagers and the options available for your teenage boy, contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® at 828.519.5047 today.

Signs of Depression in Teenagers

Adolescence is a difficult time. It’s not unusual for teenagers to have mood swings or get the blues once in a while, so recognizing depression in teens can be difficult.

However, if your teen is exhibiting any of these symptoms for two weeks or longer, they may be struggling with depression:

  • Poor self-esteem
  • Feeling guilty for no reason
  • Sadness and hopelessness
  • Poor academic performance
  • Pulling away from friends and favorite activities
  • Oversensitivity to criticism
  • Indecision
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Forgetfulness
  • Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
  • Physical complaints like headaches or digestive issues
  • Substance misuse

A mental health screening will help determine whether a teen’s behavior is typical teenage moodiness or something more serious.

What Is a Depression Room? 

You may not have heard of the term “depression room,” but it has become popular on social media. In this context, it refers to a disorganized room that is an outward manifestation of a depressed person’s internal struggle.

Is a messy room a sign of depression in your teen? Not necessarily. An unkempt room can also be a sign that your child is busy and has a lot of interests. In some cases, being messy is associated with being creative. It could also be that your teen simply lacks discipline when it comes to keeping their room clean.

However, if your teen is usually neat, a messy room could be a sign of depression. The fatigue and feelings of hopelessness related to depressive disorders could cause an adolescent to create a depression room without realizing that’s what they are doing.

Does Depression and a Messy Room Indicate Trauma?

Difficulty letting go of things can cause a teen’s belongings to pile up. Extreme problems with letting go could point to an underlying trauma. If your teen has recently experienced an intense loss, holding onto objects may bring them comfort. What seems like clutter to you may hold great sentimental value to your teen.

A messy room could also be a sign that your teen feels like giving up. It could be their way of expressing thoughts such as, “Since nothing matters, why should I clean my room?” If your previously tidy teen has experienced trauma, a messy personal space could be a signal that they need emotional support.

Find Help for Your Teen Today at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® 

The adolescent years are difficult for kids and their parents. It’s painful to watch your child suffer in any way, and mental health struggles are especially worrisome. Talk to your child and let them know you are concerned. Then, schedule a mental health screening and follow through with treatment if recommended.

Having a messy room certainly isn’t the worst thing a teen can do, but it could be a sign that they’re not happy. If you have more questions about adolescent depression, such as “What is a depression room?” don’t hesitate to ask a mental health professional for answers. Call Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® at 828.519.5047 to learn more or fill out our online contact form, and we will get back to you right away.