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Is Holistic Healing Right for My Teen?

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Foothills at Red Oak.

Is Holistic Healing Right for My Teen?

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A holistic healing treatment program helps teens overcome substance misuse and mental health challenges. Holistic healing has been linked to long-term changes in teen confidence, self-esteem, sense of belonging, and overall well-being. At Foothills at Red Oak Recovery, we provide comprehensive, holistic healing treatment programs for teens. Our programs are designed to help teens create healthier and more meaningful lives. Our holistic approach to healing combines traditional medical therapies with natural remedies and evidence-based therapeutic practices. If your teen struggles with addiction or mental health concerns, holistic healing may offer the support they need to thrive. To learn more about holistic healing treatment for teens, call 866.300.5275. We look forward to discussing teen holistic healing treatment options with you.

What Is Holistic Healing Treatment for Teens? 

Holistic treatment for addiction and mental health conditions aims to integrate physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors to help a teen heal and grow in all areas.

Addiction and mental health concerns are complex. They have an impact on many areas of well-being. The holistic approach to behavioral health treatment combines traditional and non-traditional modes of therapy to help a teen achieve healing in all areas of life.

A vital benefit of a holistic approach to treatment is that a teen receives support in areas that a traditional treatment program alone doesn’t address.

Is Teen Holistic Healing Right for My Teen?

Holistic healing treatment for teens can have a life-changing effect on the trajectory of a teen’s life. Unlike adults, teenagers are still developing in various ways. Teens are building independence and exploring identity while undergoing physical and emotional changes. It can be difficult for teens to cope with these challenges as well as addiction and mental health concerns.

Additionally, the teenage brain is still developing. A teen’s capacity for self-awareness, impulse control, and decision-making won’t fully mature for several more years. The state of a teen’s development can make traditional therapies, like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), challenging for teens to focus on and engage in fully.

However, the fact that a teen’s brain and sense of identity are still under construction means that when they take part in the kinds of flexible treatments used in holistic healing, they can create a strong foundation for lasting positive changes.

For instance, holistic healing therapy can have significant benefits in terms of how teens perceive themselves and interact with others.

What Happens in a Teen Holistic Healing Program?

Teen holistic healing treatment options vary by treatment center, but certain elements are the same in any program. Holistic healing offers individualized care, working to identify and create a plan to address the specific challenges a teen is facing.

A teen’s holistic healing treatment plan will include various traditional and experiential therapy options designed to facilitate growth and healing. In Foothills at Red Oak Recovery’s teen holistic healing program, teens participate in therapies that include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy  (DBT)
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Adventure therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Mindfulness training
  • Academic support
  • Mental health support

Most holistic healing programs were designed for adults. However, adults and teens are at very different places in life. If you’re considering teen holistic healing treatment options, you should look for a program designed specifically to address the unique challenges and issues faced by teenagers.

Teen Holistic Healing at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery offers support with addiction and mental health concerns for teenage boys and their families. As a teen treatment center, our programs are designed specifically to consider the unique challenges teenagers face and offer the support that can most effectively lead to lasting change.

Our teen holistic healing program incorporates traditional therapies like CBT and DBT with fun, therapeutic methods like adventure therapy and equine therapy.

Learn more about how our holistic healing program can help your teen boy by contacting us at 866.300.5275 and asking about Foothills at Red Oak Recovery treatment.