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Importance of Gender Specific Treatment

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Importance of Gender Specific Treatment

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Before you select a treatment center for your adolescent, take a moment to understand the importance of gender-specific treatment. It’s easy to get caught up researching how different facilities deliver treatment. Also, debating what form of treatment will work best for the adolescent you’re trying to help. What many caregivers don’t realize is that the environment in which teen therapy services are delivered can make a big difference in the end results.

What is Gender-Specific Treatment?

Gender-specific treatment refers to alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs that cater to men and women separately. Now that a growing number of adolescents are struggling with process addictions that involve sex, video games, social media, exercise, and other activities, you can find gender-specific treatment programs that cater to those issues as well.

Some treatment facilities operate separate programs for males and females while others only treat one gender. Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is an example of a treatment program that exclusively helps adolescent males. We’re able to provide exceptional care for each of our patients because we focus on problems that impact boys while taking into consideration the unique nature and needs of male adolescents in the modern world.

The Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment

To understand the importance of gender-specific treatment, you have to grasp the differences between the genders. When it comes to substance abuse, process disorders, eating disorders, and other mental health concerns, this is important. It starts with the different roles that males and females play in society and the lifestyles they live in, but it also goes much deeper.

Research has shown that alcohol, marijuana, and heroin are the top three drugs abused by males and females entering treatment facilities. The difference is in the reasons males and females turn to drugs in the first place.

For instance, a lot of males struggle with emotional intimacy and have strong bottled up feelings that they hide through substance abuse or let out through video game obsession or social media activity. Boys are traditionally raised to be strong and tough, and it’s not easy for them to show vulnerability even when they’re struggling with intense emotions and fluctuating hormones.

Females may turn to substance or process abuse for similar reasons. But they have their own obstacles that males may not relate to easily. Add on the anxiety that many teenagers have when in the presence of the opposite sex, and you see why gender-specific treatment is beneficial.

A Safe Place for Everyone

The importance of gender-specific treatment comes down to giving boys and girls a comfortable space to get to the root of their emotional issues. When treatment programs only include one gender, the participants are more likely to relate to one another on a deeper level. They can openly discuss topics that they might not want to talk about in the presence of the opposite sex.

Gender-Specific Treatment for Adolescents in North Carolina

Is it time to seek treatment for an important teen in your life? Foothills at Red Oak Recovery can help. We provide structured programs to treat a variety of issues that have a heavy impact on adolescents in our modern world. Some of our more popular treatment programs can help your teen overcome any of the following:

Now that you understand the importance of gender-specific treatment, take steps to stop substance abuse from controlling your teen’s life. You can help your loved one overcome a variety of abuse issues by contacting us at 866.300.5275. You’re one call away from allowing your teen to start their journey toward recovery.