Before you select a treatment center for your adolescent, take a moment to understand the importance of gender-specific treatment. It’s easy to get caught up…
Drug addiction is a serious matter that should not be overlooked nor judged. You may not understand the signs of drug addiction or how someone…
If you are a parent to a teenager, and you suspect they are dealing with an alcohol addiction problem, knowing the signs of underage alcoholism…
You may have heard about art therapy recently in the news, at the doctor’s office, or maybe you are looking for art therapy in North…
Foothills at Red Oak Recovery is dedicated to helping your male teen recover from a traumatic life event or other mental health challenges. We also…
Seeking help from addiction is one of the first, if not the most important steps you can take on your road to recovery. Thankfully, there…
Foothills at Red Oak’s drug abuse treatment center in Ellenboro NC provides comprehensive substance use disorder treatment for adolescents who suffer from drug or alcohol addiction.…
North Carolina teen treatment centers understand that teens are still developing, which makes them more prone to making risky decisions or experimenting with drugs. Because…
The most common substances teens abuse includes nicotine, alcohol, and marijuana. As many as 1 out of every 5 12th graders have used marijuana within…
Some therapy programs work better for adults than they do for adolescents. However, other therapies tend to work just as well for teens as they…