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Best Treatments for Teen Mental Health

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

Best Treatments for Teen Mental Health

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Some adolescents have a greater risk of developing mental health issues. What makes it necessary for some of those teens to get support at a teen mental health center? The answer depends mainly on the needs of the teen in question. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 to learn more about our mental health treatment program.

Best Treatments for Teen Mental Health

Foothills at Red Oak Recovery offers a wide range of evidence-based and holistic treatment services in our adolescent mental health treatment programs. For instance, some of our treatments include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Trauma therapy
  • Adventure therapy
  • Experiential therapy

Individual talk therapy is the most common form of care that’s part of these programs. Teens can work one-on-one with licensed clinicians to understand their challenges, learn coping skills and techniques, and drop negative behaviors. Sometimes, a teen’s mental health struggles can impact their entire family. Effective teen mental health treatment programs include family therapy. Through this treatment, the teen’s entire household addresses the damaging effects of their mental health condition.

Equine-assisted treatment is also available at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Research has shown that equine therapy can be beneficial for adolescents recovering from various mental health issues, including trauma and substance use.

What Are Some Typical Adolescent Mental Health Issues?

Adolescents with mental health conditions are also particularly vulnerable to discrimination, educational difficulties, and social exclusion. They may also be engaging in risk-taking behaviors, such as substance use or sexual promiscuity, and problems with physical well-being. Here are some common adolescent mental health issues you should watch out for in teens that you know.


This mental condition is the fourth leading cause of illness and disability among adolescents aged 15-19 years. Emotional disorders like this can affect schoolwork and school attendance. The ensuing social withdrawal can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide.


This mental condition is the sixth leading cause of illness and disability for adolescents aged 10-14 years. On top of the psychological symptoms, adolescents may additionally develop anxiety-related physical symptoms, such as headaches, stomach aches, or nausea.

Emotional Disorders

In addition to anxiety or depression, adolescents with emotional disorders can also experience excessive anger, frustration, or irritability. Symptoms can overlap across more than one emotional disorder. Furthermore, teens can experience rapid and unexpected changes in mood along with emotional outbursts.

Childhood Behavioral Disorders

These issues include attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder. They can affect adolescents’ education and may eventually lead to criminal behavior.

Disordered Eating

These issues commonly emerge during adolescence and young adulthood, typically in females. Disordered eating often co-exists with depression, anxiety, or substance use disorder.


Conditions that include psychosis symptoms emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood. Psychosis symptoms include delusions and hallucinations, which can lead to stigma or interruption in an adolescent’s education.

Risk of Suicide

Suicide is also the third leading cause of death in older adolescents 15-19 years. Risk factors for suicide are multifaceted but include many that also point to developing mental health conditions, such as:

  • Childhood abuse
  • Bullying
  • Harmful use of drugs or alcohol
  • Reluctance to seek treatment for mental health concerns

Do All Teen Mental Health Issues Require Professional Treatment?

During the period of adolescence, hormones and social pressures collide. Many teens will act out in a variety of troubling ways. Adolescents might suddenly become angry, moody, or secretive. In addition, they may also experience physical changes in their behavior and needs, such as needing more sleep or seeking isolation more often. These changes may dissipate just as quickly as they start becoming observable.

For some teens, the changes can get more severe as time passes. In general, the signs below could indicate mental health concerns in your teen that need professional treatment.

Changes in Academic Performance

Mental disorders can keep teens from focusing on their classes and homework. Dramatic grade changes could be a sign that a teen needs mental health treatment.

Changes in Sleep Pattern

Most adolescents need extra sleep. However, teens with mental illness may sleep for very long periods yet still seem tired afterward. Conversely, some mental illnesses can cause teens to have trouble sleeping, which can make them seem tired throughout the day.

Weight Changes

Teens often struggle with body image issues and may develop eating disorders because of this. Other mental health issues may cause teens to overeat and stop exercising, which leads to weight gain.

Lack of Interest in Previously Enjoyed Activities

This can manifest as refusing to attend sports team practices or changes in friend groups.

Loss of Self-Confidence

Teens who used to be confident may begin to show self-doubt. They may make disparaging comments about their appearance, talents, or skills.

Personality Shifts

Adolescents with no history of aggression may suddenly display volatile behaviors and have emotional outbursts. Many people considered these signs of needing mental health treatment as normal behavior for adolescents in the past. At that time, parents would allow teens to work through the symptoms on their own – with mixed success. However, these days, more adults understand that they need to step in and help teens struggling with mental problems. It’s a good thing, too, because teens with mental issues have a higher risk of developing substance use disorders and committing suicide.

Seek Treatment for Your Adolescent at Foothills at Red Oak Recovery

If your teen is struggling with mental health concerns, finding them treatment is essential. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery by calling 866.300.5275 or reaching out to our team online.