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4 Signs Your Son Needs Intensive Addiction Treatment

Experience clinician-run addiction treatment at Red Oak Recovery® in the pristine Blue Ridge Mountains

4 Signs Your Son Needs Intensive Addiction Treatment

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Battling a substance use disorder is a challenging experience. Despite the potentially life-threatening consequences, some people continue to abuse drugs and fail to seek professional addiction treatment. For parents with teenage sons battling the condition, it can be a painful experience. Fortunately, you can take the necessary steps to save the life of your loved one by seeking professional help at a rehab facility such as Foothills at Red Oak Recovery. Several signs can indicate when your son needs rehab treatment.

1. Your Son Needs Addiction Treatment if the Disorder Impacts His Health

Long term use of drugs and alcohol affects the mind and body. The severity of health decline depends on several factors, including the type of drugs and length of use.

For example, alcohol use disorders can damage the muscles, nerves, heart, and brain. On the other hand, individuals who abuse cocaine may experience seizures, heart attacks, and chest pain. Other drugs may cause adverse weight loss.

If your child’s health deteriorates because of substance use, it is time to consider intensive addiction treatment. At rehab, your son will benefit from a wide range of services, including:

In many cases, mental health problems occur due to substance abuse. As such, many individuals who use drugs battle mental health issues because they alter brain functioning. Individuals with mental disorders who turn to drugs to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms end up worsening their condition. What follows is a dual diagnosis, which requires intensive addiction treatment to overcome.

2. Severe Withdrawal Symptoms

Trying to quit drugs without a medically-assisted program is difficult due to the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. At this point, your body has developed a dependency and reacts while trying to adapt without these chemicals. Some people may think they can use willpower to quit substance use, but experts recommend professional medical intervention and supervision.

Sometimes, withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening. Individuals who mix drugs are at a higher risk of a fatal withdrawal. The intensity of the symptoms depends on consumption duration, dosage, use frequency, and use method.

Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Seizures
  • Tremors

3. Reduced Performance

A teen with a substance use disorder may have trouble completing homework and other responsibilities because of prioritizing drug use. In worst-case scenarios, your son may spend most of his time looking for drugs while ignoring vital tasks, such as self-care.

If your son is no longer interested in hobbies, social interaction, and other previously enjoyable activities, it may be time to consider a residential addiction treatment program. A customized treatment plan can help you make long-term changes for a successful recovery.

4. Negative Impact on Vital Relationships

Substance abusers are likely to ignore their relationships because their lives revolve around drug dealers and abusers. Some people may isolate themselves, which can make the situation deteriorate quickly. If you notice your teen lacks interest in spending time with family members and close friends, investigate the problem as it could signal a drug use problem.

Fortunately, a rehab center can solve these problems. Such facilities offer various programs to teach participants meaningful relationship-building skills and how to maintain long-term sobriety. For example, family therapy can help in rediscovering family connections and strengthening bonds with other members.

Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery Today

Addiction can destroy an individual’s life when left untreated. If you suspect your son needs professional help, contact a rehab center today. You will talk to and meet a committed team that understands substance abuse implications and is ready to offer a successful addiction treatment solution. Contact Foothills at Red Oak Recovery at 866.300.5275 today to learn about our rehab programs.