
Foothills Academics Team

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Rebecca Whilldin, BA, MAT

Academic Coordinator

Rebecca holds a bachelor’s in English and a master’s in teaching and is plugging away at a Master of Fine Arts in creative non-fiction. Rebecca serves as the academic coordinator for Red Oak’s Foothill campus. She combines her educational and mental health background to create a peaceful learning space for adolescent boys recovering from addiction and mental health issues. Prior to that, she was an “accidental English teacher” at a tiny rural high school in Louisiana. Though teaching was never a goal for Rebecca, when given the opportunity to try it out, she found that she enjoyed paying her education forward to younger generations.

She is passionate about mental health awareness and post-traumatic growth. She believes in the power of therapy, yoga, and self-love, as these approaches served her on her personal healing journey. Rebecca can be found tucked away in a tiny Carolina cabin, immersed in nature with the love of her life and two tiny dogs. She embraces life through reading, writing, painting, yoga, meditation, and waterfall chasing.

Connect with Our Adolescent Treatment Team

Interested in talking to someone from the Foothills academics team? Get in touch with Foothills at Red Oak Recovery® by dialing 828.519.5047 or filling out our online form. We’re here to assist you and your family.